Chapter Eight - Serafina

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Men are the stupidest fucking creatures on the planet.

    The only real concern with my plan was what if we didn't go outside. If he refused my request, then I'd really be fucked. ...literally and figuratively.

    I had all day to work on my little scheme. It was almost instinctual by the time it happened; I had done so many rehearsals in my mind. Bite and run. That's basically what it came down to.

    He's a fucking arrogant prick. I knew he would eat my little shy, innocent girl routine up. Sure enough, he did. He let me spoon feed it right to him.

    The drop is longer than I anticipated. When I jump the railing, I try to land in a crouch to absorb some of the shock, but it's obvious I just seriously fucked up my ankles. I can't help the shriek that escapes my mouth. A blitz of pain radiates, but I have to ignore it. I have to keep going.

    He's like Godzilla up there. I can hear him roaring and tearing through the house. He's on a warpath and I'm the battle ground he's heading for.

    Darting away in the darkness, I go as fast as my jello legs will carry me. Adrenaline is pumping through me like wild. It helps me forget about the pain. I actually laugh. This fucking worked. My plan worked.

    I don't know where I'm going, but I don't care. Anywhere is better than being a prisoner. I'd rather die in the Florida wilderness than at his hands.

    I hit a line of orange trees. At least I think they're orange trees. They smell like citrus and there's enough of them I can hide in for a while until the coast is clear.

    Resting back, I fold my hands over my stomach and sink into the damp earth. Florida humidity makes everything sticky, even at night. The moon is gone now, covered by black clouds. A storm is rolling in- you can smell it on the air. Heat lightning flashes through the clouds in the distance. Not even the stars are out, the sky is nothing but dark. Dark- just like his eyes.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now