Chapter Forty Four - Crew

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"Where's your brother?" my dad growls, glaring at the empty office desk.

    "Koa's in Gainesville," I say, scrolling through my phone, not bothering to look up. I already know he's not feeding into my bullshit.


    In my peripheral vision, I see his hands lace together. He leans forward, a hulking figure in his chair.

    "What the fuck has he gotten us into?" Wulf seethes, practically baring his teeth in a reminder of his name. "He was stupid to take her. What? Did he think the Suns would just look past it?" He runs his fingers back through his hair, trying to keep his cool.

    "King isn't an idiot," I say, looking up from my phone.

    My dad raises a brow.

    "He didn't take her."

    He raises both brows.

    "Okay... he took her. But not like you think."

My dad waits for more and I roll my eyes, setting down my phone. "He knew we couldn't survive a war with the Suns. Our men wanted retribution for Brick's death, but the Royal Suns are too crazy. They live by no fucking code. Well actually, we found out that there is one code they honor- money."

    My father is a stone as he listens, waiting for more.

    Leaning forward and hanging my hands between my knees, I continue. "He approached their club. Tried to be... diplomatic about it. Told them how we would normally handle business- body for a body. He said he wanted to end the escalation though. He knew they'd retaliate. A war with the Suns would just drag all of us down. So they offered us a piece of their territory. Said we could run drugs, guns... whatever we wanted through it. They also offered us her."

    "Her?" my dad cocks his head. "Who offered her up?"

    I sit back in my chair, shaking my head now. "Alexi."

    His nostrils flair. "Her father?" he snarls. "That piece of shit."

    I just nod because yeah, Alexi Markovic is a piece of shit in the worst way. I draw in a breath and continue. "They both agreed that no one could know. Markovic didn't want word getting out to his men on what they'd agreed to. And probably didn't want anyone to know he pawned off his only kid. King couldn't risk our guys finding out either. They wanted vengeance, not whatever this was. He was afraid someone would do something stupid. It had to look real. The kidnapping was Alexi's idea."

    My dad gives me a look, waiting for more. This is more than I've spoken in months. "At first, we thought it was a trick. We thought maybe Serafina was some kind of spy or some shit. Sent by her dad to fuck us over. Hell, until today I still kind of thought she was."

    The next part is a little hard to say. "It was worse, actually. She thinks her father's coming to rescue her. King didn't want her to know he's the one who set the whole thing up."

    We just sit for a moment in silence, both processing what this all means. "They wanted us to go into business with them. At first, King thought it was drugs- you know, blow, heroine, the usual stuff. But then we found out they've been trafficking women through their club. Obviously we aren't down with that. But then Alexi called King a few days ago, said that Serafina knew about our deal. He thought we'd double crossed him or some shit."

    He just nods, taking it all in. "Where's your brother now?"

    I glance toward the door, ready to end this conversation because I'm not supposed to say. King doesn't want to risk anyone else getting involved.

    "Now isn't the time, Lock," he demands.

    "He went to get her back."

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now