Chapter Fourteen - Serafina

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"What are you doing?" My body tenses and I scoot away from him. He's climbing into bed, on top of the covers, but still.

He nods at my ankle. "You heard the good doctor, you ain't leaving this bed for a few days, sweetheart. What do you think I'm gonna do, leave you here to plan another escape?"

Yes. That's exactly what I hoped you'd do.

His dark eyes glint, loving the chance to rub my failed escape attempt in my face. I huff and roll my eyes.

"Cool," I drawl, sinking down into the black comforter. "So what are we gonna do, cuddle?"

It's meant to be a joke, but when he doesn't respond, I get nervous. He opens the drawer on his bedside table and my heart freezes. That's the drawer with condoms and lube... he pulls something out and my nostrils flare. Think again, pretty boy.

To my relief, he pulls out a remote control. Clicking it on, a screen drops down from the ceiling, making a giant TV.

Thank god.

He turns on Dirty Dancing. I wasn't lying earlier when I told him I loved that movie. I sit up eagerly, quietly reciting some of the lines under my breath.

It's quiet- awkwardly so. We're laying in bed watching a movie, but it's like watching a film with my dad. There's an ocean of space between us on this giant bed, and the atmosphere is tense.

The afternoon sun is high, making it a little hard to see the screen. He gets up, closing the black velvet curtains over the balcony door, and now it's dark like we're in a theater. My stomach growls, I wish we had popcorn or something.

Halfway through the movie now, I glance over at him. I expect to see him on his phone or something, but he's watching pretty intently. My eyes narrow a bit. Didn't he watch this last night too?

"So is this your favorite movie or something?" I tease. It's strange that this dark prince likes an 80s dance-romance.

He doesn't look at me, shrugging up a shoulder while he watches. "It's my mom's favorite. She always made us watch it with her."

Ah, so there's a crack in my vampire's armor. His mommy.

We moved to America when I was four. I barely knew English, and my parents sure as hell didn't. Mama loved this movie, we always watched it when it would come on TV.

"I would watch this with my mom too," I say, quietly.

He doesn't respond. It's fine. I don't know what I expect him to say, anyway.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now