Chapter Six - Serafina

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At least I'm not shackled anymore.

My ankles and wrists sting from the binds he used. Cloth is softer than rope, he knows that. What a merciful captor I have. But it still burns if you struggle against it long enough.

He's locked me in his bedroom. Alone. Rookie mistake.

By myself, I have time to plot and plan. Snoop and scheme. If he has cameras in here, they're well concealed. I try to look around in the spots he may have hidden them. Everything looks clean. Even if he watches me snoop, it doesn't really matter. What do I have to lose?

My life, I guess. He doesn't want to kill me though. If he did, I'd be dead by now.

This room is dark and velveteen. Soft fabrics in tones of black and grey meet furniture that's baroque and equally dark. If I'm going to be in any room, I'm glad it's this one. It's a style that matches my own.

The bathroom is full of dark stone that shines like it's made of glass. The bathtub is deep, I could probably sink to my shoulders in it and the shower is made from the same black, smooth stone. Gold knobs adorn every handle. It's obvious this man thinks of himself as a king. My eyes roll to the back of my head when I think of how he tattooed it on his knuckles.

Browsing his closet, I see two colors. This man apparently wears nothing if it isn't black or white. Everything is designer. A heavy pair of worn leather boots stands up in the corner.

Walking back out into the large bedroom, I stand at a door that leads outside. We're on the second level and there's a large terrace. Touching the door handle, I'm not surprised to find it's locked. The glass pains are too thick to break. It's likely a long drop, but I bet if I could get out there, I'd be able to get away.

He's stupid. Obviously. But he'd never let me out there alone. I'm going to have to find a way to pick the lock or maybe sneak the key from him.

Surely he doesn't keep the keys in here... I start carefully looking through various drawers to find out. Starting with the stands next to his bed, the first one I come to is empty. The next one must be where he sleeps. A drawer full of condoms, a bottle of massage oil, and lube. Disgusting. I touch nothing in there.

The closet and bathrooms prove just as fruitless. "Okay," I mumble, tapping my chin. I've got to think of another way. There's virtually nothing in this room that's usable. The bedside lamps are fairly heavy, I could maybe club him with one.

He's quick, though. I remember the way he dodged and caught my foot in the van. I don't think I could outmaneuver him. I definitely can't overpower him. He'd snap my bony little arm like a twig.

Running my hands down my body, I look at myself in the mirror. I have no tits. I have no ass either. I'm basically stick straight.

I've always hated my body. My face is beautiful. It sounds vain, but it's true. Sometimes I think it's the only thing I've got going for me. "Men don't like women with smart mouths," my dad's advisor, Jakov told me once. "Too fucking bad," I sneered.

He's right though. Men don't like women who talk back and have the body of a little boy. Taking my hair down, I shake my curls loose and they fly like crazy around me. Undressing myself, I take a look at my naked, disappointing, body. Then I turn and step into the shower, because that's where I do my best thinking.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now