Chapter Twenty Six - Kingston

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Dark curls fan out across my pillow. Laid out on her side, I trace her naked figure like she's a statue in a museum. Pale skin like cream and covered in tattoos. There's something elegant about this little she-devil.

I've had sex before, but never like this. Round after round, she was always eager for more. That fire she burns in is good for something.

Back resting against the headboard, I watch her sleep. I've never shared my bed with a woman before until her. I don't know what I expected, but she sleeps exactly like the wild cat she is- tossing and turning, arms stretched above her head.

There's something exciting about her. Something different. Something interesting.

"Who are you, Serafina?" I mutter, looking down over her sleeping form.

My phone buzzes and I realize I left it in my pants pocket. They're across the room where I last dropped them. Turning, I move to get up and feel her fingers tense around me.

"Let g-" I spin and stop, realizing that she's still asleep.

She hums a little sigh and mumbles something in Russian. She settles back down and my phone buzzes again. Her sharp nose nuzzles up to my side and her arm laces around my leg.

Is this cuddling...?

It isn't unpleasant. Annoying slightly, because I've got things to do. But for whatever reason, I choose to stay here instead of getting up.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now