Chapter Thirty Two - Kingston

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"When's the last time you drank?"

Serafina's slumped against my side, taking shuffling steps toward the bike. She giggles- fucking giggles. Since when does she do that?

"Your mom likes wine a lot," she laughs, boots dragging across the gravel pathway.

"So do you, apparently," I say, lacing my arm in hers so she doesn't fall down. The last thing I need is her fucking up her ankles again. "Lightweight," I mutter, climbing on the bike.

She gets on too, wrapping her arms around me loosely. I hold on to her locked fists, covering them with my hand, making sure she doesn't let go. At my back, I feel the heavy weight of her new helmet press against me.

"Ready?" I ask, kicking off.

"Mm," she confirms over the roar of the bike.

Rolling out, we glide into the warm night. On the way, we pass by the compound. The music and lights are like a beacon calling to me. I turn, bike rumbling up the long drive.

"Pres!" the shouts are instantaneous as I pull up.

Rotten is in the garage, sitting on his bike with a girl between his knees. He gives me a nod and leans over, handing me a bottle of tequila. I take a swig and carry it off with me, towing Serafina along.

My arm around her shoulders, we stand at the top of the hill watching the chaos churn below. In the light of the bonfire, there are people drinking, dancing, and fucking. It's a typical Saturday night. We should go down and be a part of the chaos.

Serafina pulls the bottle from my hand and takes a drink. I bend down and swipe my tongue across her lips, savoring the liquor.

She blinks once, looking up at me. Something like a smile plays across her lips and she tips the bottle toward me. I take a swig and she leans in, licking my lips in that same way.

"Hmm," she hums pleasantly as she tastes me.

"Let's go," I whisper, bending low to her neck.


Moonlight pours in the window, tinting everything silver. My palm splays over her stomach, and she spreads out on my sheets like a goddess of the night. Her body is long and lean and I enjoy touching every inch of it.

Her hands tense in my hair when I kiss up her thighs to her core. She raises her hips, grinding that sweet pussy against my mouth until she makes herself come on my tongue. Using her release as lubrication, I slap my cock against her mound and ask her what she wants. She lets me know by reaching down and gripping my cock, sliding it inside her tight channel.

"Fuck, kisa," I bite out, when her silken walls pull me in deeper, squeezing every inch of me.

Her little kitten claws rake down my chest and I lift her legs, holding under her knees for leverage. She looks up at me, biting her lip, watching every thrust. I glance down, watching the place where we're joined, knowing that I'm going to finish soon.

"King," she purrs, and I feel that word snake through my bones.

Leaning forward, I kiss and bite across her chest, paying attention to her puffy pink nipples while I pump my hips.

"Come for me," she whispers, sucking on my lower lip, and for the first time, I'm happy to obey.


Rubbing my nose down her exposed neck, I brush my lips against her collarbone. I've fucked a lot of women. I don't always want to come back for more. But there's something about Serafina that makes me want to keep her in my bed for reasons other than just keeping an eye on her.

"Show me who you are, Serafina," I whisper, pressing her body to me.

There's a pink line across her shoulder. A little scar- faded, but still visible. My lips find it and she stiffens.

"King, don't." She turns her head, escaping my kiss.

"Tell me what happened." I kiss the spot again, pulling her deeper into me.

"King," she growls, rolling over. "I don't want to talk about it."

Rolling to my side, I pull her back to my chest. "Tell me," I push.

"Everyone has scars," she says. "Visible and invisible. It doesn't matter."

My chin on her shoulder, I hold out my hand in front of us. "This is when I dove into Crystal Lake to save Koa." My hand flexes, showing her the white line that runs up my thumb, past my wrist. "He was six. I was ten. He got in too deep and couldn't get out. That little dumbass was too close to the rocks, and I cut myself trying to get to him."

Rolling myself on top of her, I pull off my shirt. A jagged scar cuts under my arm, across my torso. "This one is from defending Crew in a bar fight when we weren't even old enough to drink. We had both just patched into Gang of Wolves. There was some other dumbass club we got into it with." The memory almost makes me want to laugh.

"Your scars are all from family," she says quietly, looking up at me with mournful eyes. "Mine are too."

My jaw clenches. "Tell me who hurt you, Serafina."

She bites down on her lip, clamming up. She won't tell me. I press a kiss to her forehead. "Here- nobody hurts you, baby."

She breathes a sigh through her nose. "Nobody but you?"

She doesn't understand it, but she's right. "Nobody but me."

Closing those whiskey eyes now, she just shakes her head. Ducking out from under my arms, she rolls over, hugging the blankets up closer. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Kingston."

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now