Chapter One- Kingston

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"You fucking idiot," my dad growls as he scrubs his hands down his face.

I got my mom's dark hair, but in every other way I'm my father. His strong jaw, his dark eyes, his temper. We're both Wolves, and today I'm reminded why he's Wulf. There's a deadly darkness in his eyes.

Looking at him now, I understand why people fear him. I understand why they fear me as well. Tall, muscled, tattooed, and for me- eyes that belong on a horror movie villain. It makes us effective leaders and formidable opponents.

I cock my head and crack my knuckles. "You want me to just leave Uncle Brick's death unpunished? You want me to just look the other way?" I ask him. "You know the rules."

"Life for a life," he says, taking a swig of bourbon from his rocks glass.

I nod. "Life for a fucking life."

"Here's the thing, son, you gotta make sure that you don't fuck up your own life and everyone else's when you live that motto. The Royal Suns are nothing to fuck with." He takes another drink, finishing off the glass. He holds it in the air, arm resting on his leather chair, knuckles with faded ink that read G A N G. "As president, your responsibility is to take care of your club. You don't do that by waging war."

He's the one person I'll willingly take advice from. He should know what it's like to be president. He was one until he stepped down. Brance Brick Meier, his cousin, took over after that. Uncle Brick led us for twenty years. Until he was fucking gunned downed like trash outside of a strip club he owned.

What I did may have been a little brash. But sometimes you gotta seize the day. The moment arose, and I took it. Carpe Diem and all that bullshit.

"Who all knows?" he asks, keeping his voice low even though it's only us.

"Rotten, Lock, Mack."

"Your brother's good for it. We know he won't talk. You trust the other two?" he looks up over his glass before taking another sip.

"Rotten and Mack are solid. They want revenge just as much as I do."

My dad sets down his glass with a heavy clink. "I don't think I need to tell you that you've taken on a big responsibility with this. This isn't just something you can walk away from. This is different."

Running my hands through my hair, I let his words sink in. He's right. I made a rash decision and I can't walk away from it now.

"Where is she?" he asks with a sigh.

"Out in the van," I nod behind my shoulder.

He looks like he's seen a ghost. "You left her in my driveway?" his voice comes out like a roar.

Take a fucking chill pill, dude. "She's fine," I scoff, taking a sip of bourbon.

My dad pinches his nose, then presses his palms down on the table. "Go tend to your business," he says in the most exasperated tone he can manage.

I gulp down my glass, "thanks for the drink," I tilt it up toward him. "And thanks for the pep talk."

"Be careful," he warns as I turn to leave. "And King?"

"Yeah?" I stop to turn before leaving the four car garage.

"Love you, son."

"Love you too, dad."

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now