Epilogue - Serafina

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"You know that whole thing about you not doing puppies, babies, and marriage and all that bullshit?"

King looks up from his phone as he lounges on the couch. A dark brow cocks and I know he's wondering where I'm going with this.

"I just thought- since you caved on the marriage thing" I flash him my ring, "you might be changing your mind about other things too."

He laughs. "Kisa, I got a vasectomy when I was twenty-one. We've talked about this, I don't want kids."

I scrunch my face. "Kids? Ew. No. That's not what I'm talking about."

He looks confused for a moment and then says, "you want to get a dog?"

I grin, nodding. "I don't necessarily want to get a dog... I may have already gotten one."

He rolls his eyes, tossing down his phone. "You what?"

"Two actually." I say, turning to go to the garage.

Hastily, he gets up, chasing after me. "Serafina, is this a joke?"

Standing with my hands on my hips, I look down at two little fluff balls. I pick them both up, and hand one to him. I smile and he looks like a grouch.

"Aren't they cute? They're Labradoodles."

He looks unconvinced. "Labra- what? Nevermind. What are their names?" he asks dispassionately.

"The little old lady I got them from already named them. The cream one is Sprinkles and the black one is Cupcake."

King scoffs. "I'm not calling them that."

"Fuck no. I've renamed them. King, meet Czar and Kaiser."

Glancing sideways, he raises a dark brow. His hand snakes around my waist, and he pulls me in toward him. "Who are you turning me into, kisa?"

I set the puppies down, and they play at our feet. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him down to kiss me. "The man I need." I say, smiling against his lips.

He wraps his hand around the back of my neck and holds me, looking me over and loving everything he sees.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now