Chapter Twenty Two - Kingston

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I give my little bad girl a once over. She's got no makeup on, my T-shirt, and a pair of jean shorts with a busted zipper- thanks to me. No possessions to her name, nothing here that's her own. Good. Her old life is dead to her now.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I send a text to Renfrey. Need some things, when can you come by?

I get an almost immediate reply, tonight?


"Come on," I nod. "Renfrey's on the way."

She scowls, sitting in the chair still. "What if I don't want to go? Who the fuck is Renfrey?"

"Kisa, stop asking so many questions." Remembering that she's supposed to give her ankles a rest, I lift her up, tossing her back over my shoulder. Her sexual fire has calmed, and now it's just her usual demonic energy. She beats a fist at my back and yells at me to put her down.

"I will," I say calmly, walking her down to the basement. A party rages on outside, the glow of the bonfire lights the windows with a yellow flame. This house was dug into the side of a hill. My suite here on the compound is a walkout. I'd rather be out there with my men than in here babysitting this little kitten. But duty calls.

I sigh and toss her down onto the bed. She bounces softly, landing on her back. Her shorts are unbuttoned, and she twists her legs, looking far too innocent. I know who you really are, bad girl. Don't play innocent with me.

With half a mind to finish what we started, I lean forward, caging her against the bed. In a quick flick, my tongue comes out, licking up her lips. She's leaning back on her elbows, watching me with disdain.

"Tell me you don't want it," I whisper.

She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath... and then Renfrey walks in.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now