Chapter Forty Five - Kingston

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"Is this what I paid for?" I fist my hand into her hair, pulling her neck taught.

For a moment, I see a tiny flash. A spark. I see that anger. That's it, baby. Spit in my fucking face. I want her angry, because that means she's still her. That means she's still Serafina, my badass, hostile queen.

The shrunken thing in front of me isn't her, though. Not anymore.

She's broken. She's breaking. Right in my hands. And my heart is shattering right there alongside her.

Her glassy dark eyes might as well belong to a dead girl. She swallows, and her pouty lips press together. With a tiny movement, she shakes her head. "No." Her voice doesn't even sound like her own.

Fucking Drogo. I have a clip of bullets waiting for him. Watching his body sink to the bottom of gator infested waters will be my early Christmas gift. If he wasn't here, I wouldn't have to do this. But I need to keep up the charade.

Her father thinks I'm like him- they all do. For me to get her out alive, I need them to think I'm a worthless womanizer like they are. I need them to buy it.

I can't look at her anymore. If I do, I'm going to crack. The woman that can make me crumble is the one I'm torturing. Love is a fucked up thing.

"Don't let her out," I say, walking her toward Alexi's office door. Drogo gives me a sideways glance. I press my lips to her temple, "I'll be back for you, kisa." It comes out like a sneer, but I pray that she understands.

Drogo nods and smiles at my commentary. He knows this is the one place that's just as secure as that fucking torture room they call a freezer. I know that from this office she has a prime view of the security cameras in the private rooms. I just hope she has enough will to watch.

As I stalk down the hall to room number 4, I replay her words over and over in my mind.

Why did you want me to love you?

Fists tensing at my sides, I can feel her pain soaked voice creeping into my soul. Stopping outside, I steel my face, awaiting what's to come. Alexi Markovic is not stupid. He's a sex trafficking, drug lord, piece of shit. He might be waiting on the other side with a bullet ready to split my skull.

Pushing it open slowly, what I find instead is an entirely different scene.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now