Chapter Thirty Four - Serafina

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As if it's taunting me, her phone lights up.

"Mom said something's wrong with the car." Elie reads her text aloud. "She's pulled over on the side of the road." She glances up at her dad, who is already rising from his chair to leave. In seconds, his phone is pressed to his ear.

"Well, he's gone for good now," Kingston grumbles while he adjusts me in his lap.

"Who's going to take me to the mall?" Elie asks, looking between the three of us.

Crew raises his eyebrows and Kingston's face remains unchanged. Elie looks at me and smiles, "Serafina?"

Fuck yes I can.

Trying to play things casual, I wait for his reaction. But it's Crew who speaks first. "Not a good idea," he says, staring at me as if I'm the one who kidnaps people around here.

King pulls me back against his chest and presses his lips behind my ear. "Can you be a good girl, kisa?"

I ignore my lust filled thoughts and the way he makes my core tighten. "Yes." I smile, laying my head back on his shoulder. I can't play too innocent- he'll see through that, so instead I act on my natural instincts. Turning, I bite down on his neck, flicking my tongue over his skin.

His fingers tense and he lets out a groan, dick hardening against me. Capturing my chin between his thumb and forefinger, he pulls my face toward him. Hovering his lips above mine he says, "don't lie love. You and I both know you can't be good to save your own life." His lips press against mine, claiming my kiss for his own.

I can't be good. But let's hope I'm the kind of bad that you'll never suspect.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now