Chapter Four - Serafina

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He's a fucking demon in Dolce and Gabbana. His cologne is subtle, it rises above the smells of this god forsaken garage. The softness of his shirt brushes against my skin and I recognize the brand, and his cologne, and everything about this man. He's heartless, likely a killer. My father taught me that bargaining with men like this gets you nowhere.

They don't care about your pleas. They don't care about your screams. They sure as fuck don't care about you. So I keep quiet. I let the water that he dumped over me cool my skin, because it's so hot in here. I focus on the water, focus on how good I'm pretending it feels. That's better than focusing on the fact that I'm tied to a chair like I'm in some damned Taken movie.

He's behind me doing something. I can't really make out what the noises are. Possibly working on a bike? How casual. Metal thuds against the ground with a heavy chink. I think it's a wrench, but it's hard to be sure.

The skin on the back of my neck prickles, I know it's because he's close. That smell filters into my nose again. Leather, cologne, and a masculine musk. It shouldn't turn me on, but it does in a way that pisses me off.

His fingertips feel heavy against my skin, but he barely dances them over the tops of my shoulders. Dusting them out, he starts at my neck and they dance toward my arms. Trying to stabilize my breath is hard, but I refuse to let him see me rattled.

"If you're going to kill me, just do it."

From behind me, he says, "why would I kill you?"

"Why would you take me?" I sneer.

My skin pebbles beneath his delicate touch. It comes from a feeling that rises through me, starting at my navel and blossoming into my nipples. Fear and sex are so often connected. That's why as a species we're fucked. We can't unlink the two.

He doesn't answer my question and I don't answer his. He steps around in front of me and I can see him a little better now that my eyes have adjusted to the darkness. The man with a crown on his hand cups my cheek, dragging his thumb to part my lower lip. My jaw holds open slightly, and he keeps his thumb there watching me. Our eyes are connected. I can't really see them in the darkness, but I can feel them. Only now do I realize my breaths are coming in short bursts.

When he releases my mouth, he trails that thumb down to capture my chin. "Fuck you," I breathe, sounding like a defiant child.

He drags that tortuous thumb down my neck, sweeping my windpipe, following my breast bone, only to rest it on the tip of my dagger. He presses and slightly rubs, as if my tattoo was the real thing. "I'm going to kill you," I say. This time it sounds more menacing. It's a real threat.

Now he drops down, making himself almost eye level with me. He's actually slightly lower, face hovering at my chest. Licking his lips like a fucking wolf, he doesn't look at me when he speaks. Eyes on my body he says, "doll, it's hard to believe you want to kill me when it looks like you want to fuck me." Just like he did against my shoulders, his fingers delicately dance from right to left, brushing my nipples. I'm now aware that they're tiny peaks. Two little beads that poke through my shirt, no doubt it's see-through from the water he dumped on me.

He leans forward and I wish I wasn't bound so I could claw his eyes out. "Don't worry, love, I'm not going to fuck you."

I use the one part of my body that he hasn't tied down. With a quick jerk, my head slings forward, splitting his lip. He doesn't move. He doesn't react. I know I'm fucked when he laughs and swipes his thumb over his lip, wiping away a trickle of blood.

"Now we're both dirty," he says, lightly gripping my neck, marking me with crimson.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now