Chapter Eighteen - Kingston

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I set her down in the office while I sit behind my desk. Popping open the laptop, I do what I came here for. Really, it wasn't anything I couldn't have done at home- but I'm the President, my presence should be felt here.

"How long?" her voice weaves through the shadows toward me.

I look up over the screen, and those whiskey eyes are lasered on me. She crosses her arms and leans forward on the little red couch.

"How long?" she repeats.

I sigh, already over the mellow dramatics. "How long what?"

"How long were you watching me?"

Now, I smile. Ah, so my little kitten finally recognizes me. "Well, Kisa," I say, using her stage name, "let's just say I've made a few visits to your little club. What? Didn't know that daddy and I go way back?"

Her lips thin and her face goes a bit pale. "You watched me," she snarls. "You sat at my father's table, dined with him, drank his liquor, and then took me."

My mouth curls up into a maniacal grin. "You were bought and paid for with another life, kisa. You're mine now, an even trade."

She needs to understand how serious this is, how dangerous this game can be. There's a defiant flame in her eyes that threatens to burn this whole fucking place to the ground. Pacing toward her, I lean over her, gripping the column of her neck. The dark tattoos of my hand cover her creamy flesh and it makes me want to put my mark on her.

Bending to her mouth, I pull her towards me until we're just a breath apart. "There's a body in the ground, kisa. Tell me you don't want to end up there too."

She swallows, looking at my lips. Her tongue sweeps across her red mouth and then her eyes drag up to mine. "Maybe that's exactly where I want to be," she smiles, purring like the kitten she claims she is. "And maybe," her mouth inches closer to mine, "maybe I want you there with me."

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now