Chapter Thirty Nine - Serafina

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Kingston drops to his knees, kissing a scar near my hip. He moves up slowly, dragging his lips across my skin as he goes.

"Delicious," he says, kissing the tip of my dagger tattoo.

"So perfect," he whispers, as his soft lips find my nipple.

Moving across my chest, he nuzzles his face into me. "All mine," he hums, paying equal attention to the opposite side. He flicks his tongue over my nipple- beaded and pink, and I let out a whimper of a moan.

Now, he kisses up my neck, standing as he goes. "But you knew that, didn't you?"

His hands snake up my neck, resting behind my ears. He pulls me into a kiss.

I scoff, because only Kingston could manage to be this possessive. "That I'm all yours?"

"That you're perfect."

His hands cup me, lifting me in the air, and my heart flips dangerously. He's never spoken to me this way before, and it's almost painful to hear it now.

Never stopping our kiss, he walks us to the bed and pulls me down into it with him. Laying us on our sides, face-to-face, he holds one hand at the base of my skull and lets the other explore my body. He rubs his thumb back and forth, teasing against my folds as he kisses me with need.

My wetness grows, and I reach down to unbuckle his pants. This moment isn't our usual frenzy- it's slow and calculated. He takes his time, kissing everything within reach.

When he frees his cock, he keeps his eyes on mine. Slicking his thick crown up and down my entrance, he moves his thumb from side to side against my clit. Moving at a glacial pace, he enters me as if I'm made of glass.

His hips pump just as slowly, and I melt against him. Kingston pulls me back and whispers, "let me look at you, baby." And for the first time, I don't mind. He stares at me with reverence, as if I'm a work of art on display just for him.

He pushes in deep and holds himself there. With one hand on my hip and one wrapped around the back of my neck, he looks into my eyes. "Fuck, Serafina," he says, blinking.

I bite my lip, suddenly feeling shy under his gaze. "King?" I whisper when he still doesn't move.

"Serafina, what happened up there wasn't real. It wasn't true. It wasn't this. I've never wanted anything the way that I want you. It's like I need you. I want to mark you, claim you, protect you. I want to love you."

I swallow, needing to close my eyes. Spreading my hands up his chest, I speak without letting my brain stop my heart. "What if I wanted you to love me?"

I blink my eyes open, seeing nothing but his two dark pools. His eyes are an endless ocean. "Then I would."

My heart is shattering into a thousand pieces. Kingston and I are many things- crazy, passionate, strong-willed, but vulnerable isn't one of them.

He presses a palm over my heart. "I need to know if you feel it too."

I nod and close my eyes. "I feel it," I whisper, pressing my forehead to his shoulder.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now