Chapter Three- Kingston

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I let her tire herself out. The fight she put up was pretty good at first. She's got fire. But she made a rookie mistake- she went too hard, too quick. She gave all her good shots in the beginning and didn't have enough left for the final round. That's why she's now bound to a chair in my garage.

    I wasn't dumb enough to bring her to the compound. Too many witnesses, and if the Suns catch wind of who took her, that's the first place they'll look. So here we sit. Her, me, and my bikes in the silent garage.

    The silence is unnerving. I can tell that it's starting to scare her. That wasn't really my goal, but I have to admit I like her better when she's not screaming in my face or trying to kick me.

    Her breaths are coming in short bursts. Her eyes dart around, trying to make out things in the darkness. Stepping forward, I press a little paper cup to her lips. "Take a drink," I say sternly.

She gulps the water into her mouth and then sprays it all over me. "Fuck you," she hisses.

    Mmmkay, so she doesn't like nice guys. Turning the cup upside down, I douse her with what's left. It runs down her little white bodysuit before saturating her jeans.

    She's tall and thin. If I wanted to, I could probably count every bone in her rib cage. Those dainty bones are visible, barely- but they're there, peeking out from the taught skin over her chest. She's got no tits. It makes it easy to spot the dagger that's tattooed between her breastbone.

    I follow the water as it beads and rolls down her skin. She's dressed like Baby from Dirty Dancing. My mom always made me watch that movie with her as a kid.

    Her body suit, now wet down the front, clings to her skin and tucks into her denim shorts. They're frayed and holey. This rich bitch probably paid a fortune for these rags. Correction- Daddy probably paid a fortune for them.

    Her hair is dark and wild and curly. Pulled half up and half down, it frames her face in tendrils that stop at her shoulders. Screaming red lipstick looks like it's been kissed off her, she's got little smears of it on her chin. She's like a less curvy version of a pinup model, with winged eyeliner that kind of reminds me of Amy Winehouse.

    Already I've noticed too much about her. It doesn't matter what she's dressed like, or what dead singer she resembles, or that she smells like gunmetal and glitter. She's nothing but a means to an end. Collateral. She's payment for a debt.

    Our club is pretty clean. We mostly invest in legitimate businesses. And use some of those businesses to clean our money from our not so legitimate ties.

    Normally blood is repaid for blood. But when I saw her, I knew that taking the only child of Alexi Markovic would sting far greater than killing him or one of his men. The only thing I didn't consider is what I was going to do with her once she was mine.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now