Chapter Forty Seven - Kingston

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It's one word that's the same in Russian and English. I know it well. Serafina's called me it enough times. I'd love to call him that now, but it'll get me nowhere.

This man is a fucking idiot though, because he could be asking for a billion dollars and I'd pay it to get her back.

I'm wealthy... not that wealthy, but I could scrape together the funds if I needed to.

"I could get much more for her than one million," he says, pushing some girl's head down between his knees until she chokes. When her body heaves, he pulls her up and looks at her lovingly for a moment. She smiles like he's given her a compliment, and then he shoves her back down, holding her there longer this time.

"Or you could take one million right now and not have to deal with the headache," I say, keeping up the appearances of negotiation. If he knows I'm too eager, he'll think something is up. "And you know what you're getting with me. Who knows what these other ruthless fucks would do to her." I gesture to the woman performing between his knees.

He waves a dismissing hand. He doesn't care what happens to her.

"She's disobedient, just like Oxana. You make a mistake in choosing her. You need one like this." He pulls up on the woman's head and she smiles as heavy saliva strings down from her mouth. He smacks her hard across the face. She turns back, still smiling. "See," he says, eyes trained on her. "I could do anything I wanted and still, she suck my cock." No sooner have the words left his mouth than she's back between his knees.

"Two million. Final offer," he says, grunting his release.

"Fine," I say, ready to get the fuck out of here and stop watching this Russian prick.

He turns his head with a wicked grin. "Five million," he sneers, going back on our deal.

"Ten." I raise my brow, giving into the cocaine fire in my blood.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now