Chapter Twenty Five - Serafina

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I'm not afraid to use my body to get what I want. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. No. It's through his dick.

That's the key to my plan- to getting what I want. My freedom. To topple the king, I've got to make him fall for me.

Most men shy away when they see crazy. Not this man, though. He sees who I am, and he doesn't run away. In fact, I actually think he likes it.

Good. Time to kick it up a notch.

"Turn off the lights," I whisper, jerking my chin toward the door. He grins like the cat who ate the fucking canary.

Now, we are blanketed in black. My eyes need a moment to adjust, but because he is the lord of darkness, he seems to see with perfect vision. Before I know it, his strong hands are roving up my legs.

He's kneeling, holding my calves. Soft lips brush up my skin atop my fishnets, and he makes quick work of putting each leg over his shoulder. My heavy boots dangle, making my ankles throb, but I ignore it. Sometimes I like pain.

His kisses don't stop until he's at my jean shorts. Like a vampire, he bites down over my zipper, mouth engulfing my pussy. Those big hands press against my thighs and he spreads me wider. Just how he wants me.

"Do you like having your pussy eaten?" he whispers, sliding my zipper down. It's teasingly slow. The teeth click with every little tug, reverberating through my body.

I swallow and nod. "Yes," I breathe, lifting up my hips. He pulls one leg off of his shoulder, twisting my shorts down. Squeezing my calf, he gives me a menacing smile. "The boots stay on."

Tossing my legs back over his shoulder, he watches my face. A tiny shiver creeps up my spine when I feel his fingers there. Brushing atop my folds, he rips my fishnets and lowers his mouth.

"No panties, bad girl?" he murmurs and laps my core, not giving me a chance to respond.

One long lick.

That's all it takes. His tongue is flat and wide and covers my slit as he works it up. "Oh my god," I whimper, arching my back.

"My name is Kingston," he smirks, repeating the process.

Fucking prick. "I honestly don't care what your name is. Just keep doing that," I moan. I've never had someone take their time like this. Most men treat it as if they're diving into a pool- they jump in and splash around. Not him, though. The dark king is patient and persistent. He repeats that same slow motion over and over until I can no longer think.

Without pause, he presses his middle finger to my entrance. That magic tongue wags against my clit and he pushes inside me, twisting deliciously. Without warning, my body betrays me. I sputter in Russian. What am I saying? I don't know, and neither does he. But he works me over with his tongue and finger until I'm boneless and brainless.

I open my eyes and he slowly pulls back, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Thankfully, he's still got my legs because I honestly don't know if I can move them just yet.

Again, his hands snake up my calves. He lowers them to his waist, and with a swift tug he jerks me forward. He pulls me up until our bodies are flush together. Gripping the back of my neck, he kisses me, letting me taste my own wetness.

"You like that, bad girl?" he growls into my mouth.

I kiss him back twice as hard. Maybe I'm sick, but I do- I like tasting myself on him.

When his hands circle around, he grips my ass, lifting us both. I think he might throw me down on the bed, but instead he decides to finish what we started in the office.

"Take your shirt off," he commands against my lips.

I hesitate for a moment. I'd prefer to stay clothed. With a shirt on, I don't have to wait for the disappointment in his face when he sees my tits... or lack thereof. If I'm supposed to win him over, I need to be what he likes.

When I take too long to respond, he growls again, sending liquid pooling at my core. "Shirt off. Now, Serafina."

My own name on his tongue does something to me. I pull back, tugging it over my head, flinging it sideways. Before he has a chance to react, I grab his face, pulling him back into a kiss. While our tongues are at war, he holds me with one hand while the other undoes his pants.

I feel it press against me- smooth skin and thick veins. His cockhead brushes my dripping pussy and I bite down on his lip. Like that's the signal, he thrusts inside of me, lowering my body on his spear.

"Say my name when you come," he snarls.

And I do. I chant his name like a prayer while he works me up and down, thick length pumping into me until I'm begging for release. It's fast and dirty. Exactly who he is.

The feeling mounts just like it did before. With our bodies so close, each time he thrusts, his pelvis grinds against my clit and I know I'll be coming soon. His mouth latches onto my neck and I feel him burst and bloom inside of me. My own orgasm follows immediately.

It's electric. This room is so charged with sexual energy it might as well be glowing. We're both panting, and that's when it hits me.

"Are you fucking stupid?" I hiss, pushing off his chest.

As if he's an actual wolf, he bites my neck in a warning. "Watch it, kisa."

"Did you fucking come inside me?" I shout, body tensing while he keeps us joined together.

Now, he tosses me down on the bed, and I fall with a bounce. Just as quickly, he's there, holding up my legs. Pushing two fingers inside me, he gathers up his seed, working it around my tightening walls. A thumb presses to my clit and despite my anger, he's going to make me come again.

"Don't worry," he purrs, leaning over me to lick my lower lip. "You won't be having any little wolves anytime soon."

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now