Chapter Fifty Three - Kingston

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The bonfire rages at the compound and I sit on my lawn chair throne in a foul ass mood. None of my guys, except Crew, know about the shit that went down today. As President, that's a part of my job. Keeping shit running and sometimes keeping my men in the dark to protect them.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

I stare into the fire, not thinking about the death and destruction of the day, but thinking instead of a woman.

Why did you want me to love you?

After everything I've done to her, why did I think she would come back here with me? I showed her my darkest, ugliest parts. She knows that I'm not a good man. So why was it so surprising when she shut the door in my face?

A bottle of liquor hangs between my knees. I unscrew the cap and guzzle it down. Swallowing my hurt pride with it.


Three club girls dance in front of the fire. A brunette and two blondes. Their names are Trixie, Dixie, and I Don't Give A Fuck. My vision blurs, trying to keep up with them, alcohol making my head swim.

Fuck Serafina.

I motion with my hand, drawing one of them closer.

"Open up," I say, standing and raising my bottle of whiskey.

It pours in her mouth, dripping down her chin. One of the other girls kisses her, licking up all that drips. Men nearby hoot and holler, watching them make out, but they do nothing to get my dick hard. I throw myself down in the chair and take another swig.

The brunette crawls between my legs. "King," she says seductively, but it sounds all wrong.

I rest back, trying to get comfortable, and accept the fact that I need to move on from Serafina. She doesn't want me, and I don't fucking blame her. On my chest, I feel one of the other girls start to rub. She's behind me, arms linked around my neck.

Her tongue swirls up my skin, moving to my ear before she bites down- hard.

"King?" a siren whispers in my ear, making my dick stiffen. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Serafina flicks her tongue up and down my earlobe before glaring at the woman below me. "You have two seconds to get the fuck away."

The girl looks up, waiting for me to come to her rescue.

"One." Serafina sneers.

The girl scrambles back just as my bad girl comes around to face me. She puts both hands on the sides of my chair and leans over me. Licking her lips, I think she might kiss me, but instead she says, "don't ever fucking pull that shit again. From this day on, you are mine."

I lean forward, face inches from hers. "And who are you to talk to me like that, kisa?" I growl.

"Serafina fucking Markovic," she snaps, holding my stare.

A slow smile spreads across my lips. That's right, baby.

She moves in, sucking my lower lip between her teeth. "And King?" she purrs. "Next time if I catch you with your dick where it doesn't belong, I will bite it off."

"I know you will, bad girl." I pull her down into my lap, and look her over.

She leans in, lips only a breath away from mine. "Don't make me regret this, King." It's a vulnerable whisper.

"Coming back?" I ask.

"Loving you," she says, closing her eyes and pressing her forehead to mine.

Eight Months Later

Serafina is more resilient than anyone I've ever met. Despite the lies and betrayal, she continues to go on. I know I had a hand in her hurt. Even with my best efforts to protect her, I still failed in many aspects. I'm man enough to admit that.

Do I regret what I happened though? No.

All of the chaos, all of the lies, it all led me here to this.

The tattoo gun whirs and my guy, Travis, wipes the ink from my knuckles. I look over at Serafina, "you doing good, babe?"

She gives me that little kitten smile and winks, unable to move because there's a tattoo gun inking her neck. This is our therapy- our church. We've been adding to the visual collection on our bodies for the past few months. The pain of the needle is cathartic.

Serafina's covering her visible scars with ink and using it as a way to cope with the invisible scars, too. Every mark her father left on her has been covered with something beautiful.

What she's getting is a mystery. We never know what the other is doing until we reveal it at the end. Travis clicks off his gun, setting it down on the metal tray. He wipes away the last bit of ink and holds up my knuckles, looking at his work.

Lorena, the artist working on Serafina, looks over at us. "Almost done here too."

Pulling out a wad of cash, I drop enough bills for them both to stuff their pockets. "Let me see, baby." I walk around to Serafina just as Lorena finishes up.

My smile grows as I look at her.

"Do you like it, my king?" those whiskey eyes sweep up to mine, giving me her devilish grin.

In swirling cursive, my name- King, is tattooed across her neck. I just smile. I'll show her how much I like it later tonight.

She understands and holds out her hand, waiting to see my newest addition. I put my fingers in hers and she looks over my knuckles.

K I S A. The letters are written across each one, matching my opposite hand that reads K I N G.

"Like it or not baby, you're on me forever."

"Oh I like it," she says, looking up at me with those round eyes that I can't get enough of.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now