Chapter Forty Eight - Serafina

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My heart is pounding in my chest. I can't really make sense of what's happening. King is either the worst negotiator in the world- he isn't. I've sat in his office long enough to know- or something else is happening. Something I don't understand.

For a moment, I'm nauseated. I close my eyes, burning away the images of what my father could have done to my mother. I can't focus on that pain now. I need to focus on how I'm getting out of here.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, taking a step closer to the screen. Holding my breath as I watch, I try to get inside his head.

"My king," I whisper, pressing my fingertips to the monitor. He's here to save me.

Don't ask me how I know. Because I don't even know how. I just know.

That's why when my father rises from the chair and puts a gun to his temple, it piques my adrenaline. Going into fight-or-flight mode, I decide that I've already flown- fallen off a cliff, actually.

Now, it's time to fight.

I grab the gun on the desk. The first time I held one, I was seven. The cold metal is familiar in my grip. I have enough adrenaline coursing through me that I could shoot every person in this place without thinking. I might do exactly that.

Papa keeps a set of keys hidden under the phone on his desk. I remove them and pace toward the door, giving myself only a moment to collect my breath. This has to be quick, that much I know.

Just before I rip open the office door, I hear my father's voice in Russian. "If I kill you, our deal is off. If I sell her, I get a payday. I win twice that way."

Some moments happen fast and slow. This moment only happens fast though. The door flies back. Without hesitation, I shoot.

It's quick, so the shot isn't exactly clean. It goes through Drogo's neck, but it's effective... very effective. He drops, writhing on the floor, and I want to drive the heel of my boot into his fucking face. But there just isn't enough time.

I look around for Tati, she's next on my list- but she's nowhere in sight. Likely scared off by the blast, I don't have time to chase down that blonde bitch. "Later," I promise myself, pacing down the hall.

I know my father didn't hear the shot. The private rooms are designed for that- privacy, the walls are soundproof. He has no idea I'm coming, and that emboldens my confidence.

His face is usually stoic, but when I open the door, gun in hand, his surprise isn't well concealed. Quickly though, he recovers. "Come here, little kitten," he tells me in Russian. "See what I'm doing for you? This man will pay for what he did."

Those words make my heart pound fiercely, doubt creeping into my mind. He hasn't called me his kitten since before my mother died. Why couldn't he have just said that a little earlier? Why didn't he say that when he pulled me from the cage? Maybe everything could have been different.

I look at his face. Then I follow his big arm down to the gun he holds in his hand. That barrel connects to King's temple, and I lower my weapon.

Tears well in my eyes, but I blink them away. Never let them see you cry. "Papa," I breathe, pacing toward him.

Coming behind him, I wrap my arms around his rounded chest. His heart doesn't even feel like it has a beat, meanwhile mine is thunderous. I can't believe I'm about to let this happen.

"Do you love me?" I ask him in English, thinking of the scars he's marked me with- the ones King has noticed on my body... and my heart.

"Da," he says, cocking the gun.

"Papa," I whisper one more time.

When the blast goes off, I know that's when I'm truly dead inside.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now