Chapter Thirteen - Kingston

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"She bit your what?" My father's laughter howls as he twists the ratchet. His giant shoulders shake on the ground as he looks up from below his bike. "That's what you get for sticking it where it doesn't belong."

My mouth doesn't move as I glare down at him. "Thanks for the sympathy, Pops." I turn my back, stomping from my garage back to the house.


Haven jumps when I enter the bedroom- that curly headed fuck.

He's our resident doctor of sorts. The guy is actually a vet... not like an army vet, but the kind that treats animals. Turns out, animal bones and people bones ain't that different. His old man is in the club and we pay him well for his services and his pharmaceutical hook up.

The Gang of Wolves is a loyal donor to his clinic. We fully fund his little spay and neuter program so all our furry friends can get their little bits chopped off for free. Don't ever let anyone tell you I'm not nice. Because see... real fucking nice.

In exchange, we have generous access to Doc Haven's prescription pad.

We all fucking win, including the stray dog population of the greater Tampa metro area.

Serafina's laid back on the bed, her feet propped up on a mountain of pillows, sporting ankles that are blue and black. He rolls her foot from side to side, carefully looking it over. "It looks worse than it is," he says, looking back at me. The fucker is skiddish. You can tell he's eager to leave.

"Rest it. Ice it. Don't walk on it for a few days, but you'll be okay," he says, looking back at her.

She gives him a venomous look, before sweeping her eyes over to me. They soften, but not much. I expected her to be a viper again today, but she's settled down a bit.

I clap Haven on the back when he leaves, and he jumps again. "Crew'll hook you up," I tell him when he leaves. He knows where his payments come from.

"You're a Wolf," Serafina says, hint of a sneer to her voice.

I glance down at my cut. A white circle patch is sewn on the right breast- our symbol, a wolf crying to the moon. "Not just any wolf. President of the club, baby."

I wait to see if any hint of recognition sparks in her face, but it doesn't. She must not be too in tune with her father's business. Maybe she has no idea that's the reason she was taken. Even as a child I was selfish- take something from me, I'll take something from you.

She looks nonplussed. Folding her arms across her chest, she looks around the room. "My father's the President of the Royal Suns. I suppose you knew that already, though." That well-defined brow raises, and she cocks her head my way.

"Yeah love, I know." I say, giving her attitude right back to her.

"Is that why I'm here?" she presses, sitting up and leaning forward. "My father will pay good money for my return, I hope you know that."

Now, it's me who looks unimpressed. I don't think so, kitten. Daddy won't be coming to save you this time.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now