Chapter Twenty Four - Kingston

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"Our new friends have made us an offer," Crew tells me. He pulls the cork on a bottle of Patron and tips it straight back. His knuckles crack, then he rolls his neck. The giant lock that's tattooed across his hand flexes when he passes me the bottle.

I take some to the head, thinking over what he's just told me.

Dark hair, green eyes, and the most loyal person at my side. Crew is my Vice President, my younger brother, and the person I trust more than anyone. "What do you think?" I ask, holding the bottle to my lips.

He sits back against the red sofa in the office. "I think you better be real fucking careful."

Knowing Lock, that's all I'm going to get out of him. He's done talking. I know what he's thinking though; he doesn't have to say it. "You don't trust her?" I ask, taking a quick swig.

He laughs grimly. "No."

Good. Me either. I flash a dark smile. "Which club's got beef with the Royal Suns?"

Again, he gives a dark laugh. This time, he motions for the tequila. "Well, until recently, I'd say us."

I nod, steepling my fingers at my chin.

He shrugs. "Now, I guess it's the Dead Riders."

"Good," I say, thinking of my connections with their crew. "Get in touch with Steele, see what he knows on the Suns and their little operation."

Crew narrows his eyes and cocks his head.

"An enemy of an enemy is a friend," I say passively. "The Suns are my enemy, therefore the Dead Riders are my friends."

Crew rubs his temples. "The Royal Suns are our enemies now? I thought that debt was settled when you got the girl?"

"We're just getting started with those pieces of shit."


"Your sex kitten's ready to pounce," Renfrey says, leaning against the door to my office. "It's good to have friends in high places," she winks, referring to herself.

As she walks down the hall, I call after her. "Or friends in low places."

"That too," a throaty laugh trickles out.

Rising from my desk chair, I close my laptop, thinking over the offer Crew brought to my attention today. The Royal Suns want us in on their trade. They're offering us a piece of their territory as a show of good faith.

Yeah, good faith, my fucking ass. We aren't getting into bed with them. Striking the deal we made was strictly to keep them off our backs. We need the crazy fucking Royal Suns to think of us as friends... if they even think of us at all. I'd prefer to stay off their radar, but it seems they want to draw us in closer. This ordeal with Serafina is getting messier by the minute. The last thing I need is her making phone calls and fucking this whole thing up. She has no idea what she's getting herself into.

Scrubbing a hand down my face, I hustle down the stairs back to my suite. As I stick the key in the door, I try to come up with a way that this won't turn into a complete clusterfuck. Now though, I've got troubles of a different kind. Renfrey wasn't lying when she said my sex kitten was ready to pounce. Serafina lounges in one of the velvet high-back chairs, legs dangling over the side. She's got on fishnet stockings that make her legs look endless. Black combat boots hang over one side of the chair. Walking closer to get a better look, she's got on tiny black, ripped denim shorts and a black and gray baseball tee.

Fucking hell. I never considered myself a man who has a type, but this girl is fucking it. She's my little vamp queen. Her hair is done in retro style curls, with a black bandana tying them back. Bright red lipstick paints her pouty mouth and winged dark eyeliner flicks out, drawing my attention to her dark eyes.

Seems that Renfrey brought my kisa back to life.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now