Chapter Fifty One - Kingston

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We enter the lobby, and I give her a sideways glance. "You do this?"

She stands next to me and we both stare down at dead Drogo.

"Oh fuck, I forgot about that," she says.

A slow smile spreads across my lips. "You forgot that you killed a man?"

She gets the same little smile. "Things have been kinda busy lately," she shrugs.

I love this fucking woman. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I call Lock. My brother, my secret keeper, he'll get some guys out here to clean this mess up. But we can't risk leaving until he does. We can't have some fucking bartender waltzing in and finding a dead body. So we sit and we wait, glaring at the door and daring somebody to enter.

I hold her in my lap. She can pretend not to need this- but I know Serafina, she needs the contact. Her body is rigid, the shock of what we've done setting in as more time passes.

"Talk to me, kisa," I say, pressing my lips to her arm.

"He killed her," she mumbles.


"My mother." The words are nearly inaudible. "They found her skull. Her fucking skull, King. I was eight." Anger starts to pepper her voice now. "Eight years old and he took her from me."

I don't say anything. There's nothing I can say that will heal her pain at this moment. So instead, I just let her be who she needs to be. Pulling her closer against me, I turn her to let her face nuzzle against my chest. Silently, warm tears soak through my shirt.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now