Chapter Twenty One - Serafina

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"Cockblock...." I grumble, folding my arms over my chest.

Looking around the room, I realize there's a golden opportunity just waiting to be seized. I swallow, glancing to the door. I can't hear them, which means they're either whispering just outside... unlikely because his voice is loud as fuck, or they're gone. My money is on gone. And that means I can use the phone.

The problem with the world we live in? There are no phones anywhere. I mean, there are phones everywhere- they're just in someone's pocket.

Shining bright as a beacon, an old phone waits for me. It's like a landline to freedom. Wincing, I stand up, feeling the blood rush to my ankles. Fuck, this hurts.

Stumbling a bit, I move toward the desk. With a tremble, my hand darts toward the receiver. As quickly as I can, I punch in the number to The Black Garter and listen to it ring.

It rings... and rings... and rings.

A breath hisses out of my nose, and I push down to hang up. Dialing fast, I hit the digits again. "Pick up," I whimper, my leg bouncing. What the fuck are you doing!? I want to scream. Again, it just rings and rings, the sound is crushing.

"You fucking idiots," I seethe, jaw clenched. I hang up again and start to dial for a third time. Hearing voices, I get nervous and put down the receiver.

Sitting back, hoping to appear calm, I watch the door. The noises shuffle past. It isn't them.

Now, I take a deep breath. Reaching forward, I touch the phone. Just as I lift, he enters. Dark eyes instantly fixate on me and I know I'm fucked.

"What are you doing?" Like the ice king he is, his voice is cold- flat. His expression unreadable, he stands in the doorway watching me.

Think, Serafina.

I set the receiver down, pretending I'm just hanging up. "I just called 911 to report a missing person," my brow raises. Folding my arms, I lean back in the chair. "They'll be here in fifteen minutes."

He stalks forward, not stopping until he's pressing his hands down on the armrests of my chair. Hovering his face inches above mine, he says, "good. I've got their money for the month. It'll save one of my guys a trip down to the station. Want me to give you their five grand so you can hand it over when they get here?"

My face shows nothing but annoyance. "Fuck you and your five thousand dollars," I sneer.

"Love, I'll fuck you for a whole lot less."

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now