Chapter Fifty Two - Serafina

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The shock of what's happened starts to finally set in when I watch their bodies sink below the water. I'd like to say I'm numb, but sadly I feel everything: grief for the loss of my father. Stress for committing a murder. Anger for the unanswered questions about mama. Confusion as to how something like this could have even happened in the first place. Conflicted because the man I love played a role in this as well.

In the car, Kingston told me everything. How he approached my father, wanting to make a deal. What my father offered and what he accepted. How their suspicions were confirmed by meetings with another club. King admitted to it all, not shying away from his involvement.

Both Crew and King stand beside me, boots sinking in the swampy mud.

"The gators will do the rest of the work," Kingston mutters, eyes fixed on Drogo, who is barely visible in the murky water.

I have to look away. Turning, I don't wait for them before heading back to Crew's tan Land Rover. The car smells metallic- like blood. I close my eyes and sit in silence in the car, needing time to myself.

After several long minutes, King climbs into the back seat with me. They're casual and conversational, not spiraling like I am. I wonder how many times they've done something like this before.

"It stinks in here," Crew spits out. Yeah, like death.

"Take it to Milo, he'll get it cleaned out." King says, and I don't linger on the thought that they have a guy on hand for situations like this.

"What happens now?" I ask instead.

He sighs and watches Crew start up the car. "We hunt down Tatiana. She's the last link involved in this nightmare. We dismantle the Suns. Give the men a choice- join our club, play by our rules and become Wolves or get the fuck out of town and join another MC. We'll torch the nightclub. The police won't look into it too hard. They've got little incentive and even fewer resources to care about finding out what happened to that human trafficking piece of shit."

I wince, knowing that that man is.... was my father. "What about the girls? Are there others?"

King shakes his head- no. "They uh, cleared everyone out before. No one new has been brought in."

My heart hurts, thankful it won't happen to anyone by their hands, but grieving for the ones it's already happened to. I close my eyes, trying to block out the pain.

"You killed the villain, Serafina. Be proud of yourself, kisa."

I let out a shaking breath. "Yeah, but that villain was my father."

King holds onto my chin, tipping my face up to his. "Let's go home, kisa."

I spoke those same words to him just hours before. But now, I'm questioning where my home really is. "Take me to my home. Please." Now, my eyes flick up to Crew's in the rearview mirror. I tell him my address and he nods, steering us out of the swamp.

When we arrive at my Spanish style condo, I ascend the stairs, feeling like my boots are too heavy to walk in. Uncertainty makes my feet drag. I need to sort out my feelings, sort out what I've done, sort out what King means to me.

I take a step inside and turn to him. Those dark eyes search my face as he stands in the hall. My dark king. My captor. My savior.

He takes a step toward me and I hold up my hand to his chest, keeping him from entering. "Not this time, King."

Taking a step back, he cocks his head, eyes narrowing in confusion. "Serafina-"

I don't let him speak. Closing my eyes, I shut the door, go straight to my bed, and cry the tears I've held in for the past twenty years.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now