Chapter Eleven - King

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She's fucking filthy. Covered in dirt and twigs, I have no idea how long she was out there. Her dark eyes are like saucers when she finally looks up at me. I can tell she's in pain.

    Good. Don't fucking try to run again.

    I shift her and she whines softly. She wasn't whining when she was biting my dick, so I don't feel too bad though. We walk back in silence. When I finally reach the back entrance, I realize it's locked. Glancing at the balcony above us, I remember we didn't leave from down here. She fucking flew the cuckoo's nest over the edge and I bolted out the front door after her.

    My adrenaline is still piqued. Hot rage overtakes me, and I need to let it out. I squeeze her body to me and lean back. One heavy, booted foot comes up and with a swift kick, I send my heel through the glass. It shatters around us in a thousand tiny pieces. She barely even flinches.

    When we get inside, I go straight to my ensuite bathroom, keeping her in my arms. She squirms and tries to fight it, "where ya gonna go?" I cock a brow, looking down at her. Her ankles are swollen, and she's not stupid enough to flee again. I don't know- this girl's insane, maybe she will.

    Sitting her down on the black stone counter, I hit the hot water filling the bathtub. She needs to wash that dirt off before she gets anywhere near my bed. "Get in," I jerk my chin towards the tub.

    "I'm not fucking bathing with you in here," she hisses.

    I've had enough of her shit. "Clothes off. You're going in the tub."

    She crosses her arms and sits back, leaning against the mirror. Defiant little devil. "Fine," I say, flashing her a cool smile. It unnerves most people, but she doesn't seem bothered.

    Picking her up, I drop her in the tub, clothes and all. She shrieks, gripping the sides with her claws, and glaring up at me. Crouching down beside her, I look at her in the eyes. "Don't wanna undress in front of me, sweetheart? Don't worry, I like girls with tits."

    She doesn't need to speak a word. Her eyes spew hatred. "Think twice before you bite my dick again," I turn, leaning now against the doorway. I'm not letting her out of my site for a second. Folding my arms over my chest, I say, "wash up."

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now