Chapter Thirty Three - Serafina

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Well played, Kingston. For a moment I thought you actually cared.

I look at myself in the bathroom mirror- eyes bloodshot. I shouldn't have had so much to drink last night. I let my guard down and almost let parts of myself slip that I don't want to reveal.

The scar on my shoulder is tiny. How did he even notice? "Discipline will make you strong." I shove off the memory of my father's words and think over last night.

Blame it on the wine. I was having a good time with his mom and drank more than I planned on. I thought that King was like me- fucked up. But after meeting his family, I don't know what his excuse is. They seem like loving people. So where does his darkness come from?

Stepping into the shower, I wash off and refocus on my plan. "Make him fall, Serafina," I mumble, shampooing my hair.

Stepping from the shower, I towel off my hair and body, then get dressed for the day. Renfrey found me an old Taking Back Sunday shirt and sent it over to the compound last week. I don't keep a lot of clothes here- but we stay here enough that some things are necessary. Slipping into my Doc Martens, I wander through the compound, knowing that he's likely in his office.

Lingering outside the door, I stop to listen when I hear hushed voices. This early in the morning, the only person who would be here is Crew. His brother has it out for me- I can tell. Like it was my fucking choice to come here.

"Striking that deal with the Royal Suns was stupid, King. You know they can't be trusted."

My breath catches in my throat. A deal? With the Suns? Trying to calm my racing heart, I press my back to the wall, desperate for more. I know my father; he doesn't make deals. If Papa knows where I am, he'll be coming for me, and hell will be coming with him.

Kingston doesn't say anything, likely pissed at his brother's tone.

Crew continues, "I don't trust them and I sure as fuck don't trust her."

Finally, Kingston speaks. "She's here. Like it or not. Fucking deal with it, Lock. Do you have any real news to tell me? Or are you just here to bitch about the Suns?"

He mumbles something just as voices sound from one of the nearby rooms, making it impossible to hear more. My heart almost hurts, it's beating so hard in my chest. I know that I can't face him like this. It'll be too obvious to hide what I know.

Spinning on my heels, I wind through the compound and head for the kitchen. Head down, my mind is a tangle of thoughts as I try to sort through what this all means.

"Oh, fuck."

Coffee goes flying everywhere when I run into someone. We both shriek, arms flying through the air.

Silvie now has a giant stain on the front of her white dress. She looks down, then looks up at me and starts laughing. Digging through her purse, she withdraws a set of keys and looks over at her gremlin... I mean, daughter.

"Elie, tell your father I had to run back home." Now she looks up at me. "Can you hangout with her for a minute until I get back?" She doesn't wait for my answer, just gives me a smile and then heads for the door.

Swiping up a cloth from one of the drawers in the kitchen, I soak up the mess on the floor. "Your mom is so chill." I grimace at the fact that I effectively drowned her in her own cup of coffee.

"Yeah, she's cool," Elie plunks down on a little booth in the kitchen.

"Serafina!" King roars from his office, probably suspicious that I haven't come in yet. My eyes roll, but there's something in his possessiveness that stirs me.

Tossing the little orange rag in the sink, I look over my shoulder. "Uh, come with me," I say to the girl, not really sure of what I'm supposed to do with her.

She slips out of the booth and we head back the way I just ran from, into King's office. Now, it just looks like a family meeting because his brother sits on the sofa, while Elie sidles up to her dad in one of the leather chairs. He looks curiously between me and the girl, giving his daughter a look that asks what's up?

"Mom will be back soon," Elie shrugs, sitting on the arm of the chair.

King motions for me and I try to be calm as I walk up, reminding myself that he doesn't know what I heard. He pulls me down into his lap and wraps an arm around my waist.

"Babysitting?" he drawls.

Elie scoffs and pulls out her phone. My eyes flick to it, a plan forming. Kingston's cell is way too hard to access, and I'm never in his office alone long enough to use the landline. Elie, though, could prove very useful.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now