Chapter Thirty One - Kingston

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My mom made twelve different dishes for the five of us to eat. My brothers were supposed to be here too, but Crew is off on club business- a meeting with the Dead Riders. Koa, my youngest brother, chose to stay in Gainesville this weekend. Either way, we will always have too much food.

Like I'm not even here, or her eldest son, my mom focuses all her attention on Serafina. She wants to know everything about her- where she gets her hair done, what kind of tattoos she has, what she thinks of the new paint color in the kitchen at the compound.

"Really mom, the paint?"

She side-eyes me. Pointing with her fork she says, "that yellow is hideous, Kingston. Don't make decisions like that without consulting someone first."

I just roll my eyes. Little does she know that the reason we needed to paint it in the first place was because of a bare knuckle boxing match that went down, knocking out the drywall.

"I'm the president of the club, I think I can handle picking out fucking paint colors."

"Clearly, you can't." She takes a bite of her chicken and turns back toward Serafina, who chokes a laugh into her wineglass.

I turn to my dad, who watches my mom as if she's the most interesting thing on the planet.

This is bullshit.


After dinner, my mom whisks Serafina off for a tour of the house. Giving me a head nod, my father motions for me to follow. Withdrawing two glasses from a cart in his office, he tips a bottle of whiskey and gives us each a heavy pour.

"How are things going?" he asks, elbow resting on the leather chair, glass raised.

I sigh and gulp the liquor down. "Fine," I say, pouring myself another.

"And with her?" he eyes me and sips.

I relax back into the chair. "Yup. Fine."

"The Suns haven't come looking?"

I give him a once over. "No. And I don't expect them to. I know how to handle my club, Wulf."

He nods, agreeing, but not liking my commentary. I respect my father, but I run a very different MC. He pulled away from everything that made us outlaws- everything that made us great. My men want money. They want to ascend to something bigger. That's why I'm continuing where my uncle Brick left off- we're pushing ahead and expanding our territory.

High risk. High reward.

"What do you want with her, son?"

I shake my head, pressing my glass to my lips and breathing a laugh. "When do I ever know what I want?"

"You know, Kingston," he says, not looking at me, but looking at his whiskey, "there might come a time in your life when you enjoy someone else's company. It's okay to want to share your life with someone."

I laugh harder this time and take a drink. Real subtle dad. "Share my life with someone? Mom been getting you to read her romance novels?"

He doesn't say anything, just sits and watches me. I can hear my mom out in the hallway, telling Serafina some story about building this house. Her voice catches my dad's attention, and he looks up expectantly, waiting for her to enter.

"How do you know?" I ask, my arm dangling over the side of the chair.

His head cocks, like he doesn't catch my meaning.

I chew the inside of my cheek. "How do you know when you want to share your life with someone?"

He sets his glass down and leans forward. Folding his hands together, he rests his elbows on his knees, watching my mom and Serafina walk in. Still in their own conversation, they're unaware of ours.

Eyes fixed on his woman, he says, "when you crave their presence more than their absence."

Rolling my eyes, I finish off the whiskey. "Yeah, that's some romance novel bullshit."

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now