Chapter Sixteen - Serafina

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I'll never tell him this, but their club compound is nice AF. It's huge. A little outdated now, but you can tell that someone once put a lot of time- and money into renovating this place.

This compound is nothing like my dad's club. The Royal Suns have a piece of shit garage, with an old restaurant across the parking lot. It's not open to the public. Well, it is- but no customers ever come in. Like the garage, it's just a front for their other, more lucrative, businesses. I don't really know what my dad does, but I'm pretty sure he smuggles cocaine, possibly other drugs. There are always semis pulling in and out of the garage.

It doesn't really matter though, he hardly even spends anytime at the Suns clubhouse. The Black Garter- that might as well be their headquarters. It's where Papa and all his men spend their time.

The nightclub is his prized possession. He sits all day every day in his office, watching the cameras from all three levels. Smoking his cigar and watching his money flow in.

See, The Black Garter isn't like most nightclubs- it has a little something for everyone. Built on three levels, the first floor is a true nightclub. Dance hall music blares, drinks are served, people get rowdy, they grind the night away.

The second level is a strip club- full nude. A lot of the club bunnies for the Suns work there. Club bunnies like Tatiana- or Tati, as everyone calls her.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now