Chapter Thirty Six - Kingston

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You crave their presence more than their absence.

My teeth grind, wondering why I can't get my mind off Serafina. She's been gone all day, and it feels like too long. Without her here, I've had time to process what she's become to me.

At first, she was collateral. An insurance policy against the Royal Suns. A payment for taking out one of our own.

Now, she's become my sounding board. In my office, I bounce ideas off her and listen to her feedback.

She's my sidepiece. My venomous kitten. The one I want to fuck, and kiss, and fight with daily.

She's the woman of my dreams, and that pisses me off because I'm not supposed to have feelings like that. I'm not supposed to care about her. But here I am jealous that she's at the mall with fucking Elie and not sitting here in my lap.

Serafina, you aren't leaving again.

I lean back in my office chair, letting the darkness wrap around me. It's comfortable and familiar. In the dark, you can be anything you want- you can be who you truly are. Laying my head back, I close my eyes and think of what I'm going to do about this situation.

A sweet smell assaults my senses. It's perfume. Like cotton candy. It's annoying as fuck already.

"Hi King," a giggly voice calls out and I don't bother opening my eyes.

"Terra." I acknowledge the blonde bimbo that I know is standing in my doorway. The last time I saw her, she was on her knees by the bonfire. It's been twice as long since I let her crawl between mine.

She saunters forward just as I start to open my eyes. Terra works at a strip club we own. She spends half her time there and the other half here hopping from brother to brother. I don't hold it against her. What she does with her pussy is her business.

Propping herself up on the edge of my desk, she sits right in front of me. I don't have time for this shit.

"King," she coos, "I wanted to show you something."

I raise my brow, waiting for her to continue. She licks a nervous tongue over her lower lip and fumbles with the zipper on her sweatshirt. Unzipping it as if it's a tease, she tugs it down and reveals her big fake tits.

She leans forward seductively, hard nipples staring me in the face.

I start to push back, to tell her to zip up and go. But it's too late. Everything happens at once. Her arms link around my neck. My back stiffens. And Serafina walks through the door.

"Honey, I'm home-" she jokingly sings-songs. "Oh." Her face falls.

I stand up, sending Terra scrambling backwards. She pouts and moves for me. I give her a glare that lets her know what a dangerous idea that is.

"Kisa, wait."

She's already pacing down the hall. I catch her by the elbow and she spins, eyes shooting daggers.

"Don't fucking touch me," she whispers low, in a lethal tone. "And don't you dare call me that. Don't fucking call me your kitten like it means something."

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now