Chapter Forty Nine - Kingston

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Like she's Bruce fucking Willis, Serafina comes in with her guns blazing. I just didn't know they'd be blazing towards me. She fires a shot right through her father's chest and thank fuck he didn't pull the trigger on me.

"Are you fucking insane?" I yell as his body slumps forward. "What if he would have shot me during that little fucking stunt?"

Now, she raises the gun on me. "Slap me again and you'll find out what it's like to be shot."

Her eyes are two dark flames. She's wearing a smile that the fucking devil wears. Serafina is pissed.

My angry queen.

Like hurricane waves, we crash into each other. We're nothing but snarling, snapping teeth. She bites down, hard, on my lower lip, tugging me to her. It doesn't work though, because I flip her around, pinning her back against the plexiglass window.

She's got blood stains down the front of her shirt. And it's such a shame because right now all I want to do is latch my mouth onto her rosy nipples. Her legs wrap around my waist and we're practically dry humping each other as we kiss.

"You're a fucking psycho." I pant into her mouth. "And I love it."

She kisses me fiercely, gripping my cheeks in her hands. "Tell me why you did it. Tell me why you hurt me."

I pull back and cock my head. I hoped it would be obvious by now. "Baby, I told you I would never let anyone hurt you. Not him, not anyone."

Her eyes shine like ten thousand teary diamonds. She nods, swallowing hard. Serafina gets me. I don't need to say anything more.

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now