Chapter Fifty Five - Kingston

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When the door opens, my heart stops beating. We decided to have a small ceremony at my parents' house. Here I am, waiting in an Armani suit beneath a row of orange trees. The October sun is starting to set, and I watch it sink, sending a golden glow over everything.

The woman who steps out is one I love, but not the one I've been waiting for. With weepy eyes, my mom walks out, making a beeline for my dad. He cups her face in his hands and thumbs away her tears.

They take a seat next to Koa, my youngest brother and my dad gives me a wink. "Nervous?" he asked me before we came outside.


It's the truth. I never wanted a relationship- marriage, babies, any of it. But with Serafina, I've never been more sure of anything. She's the other half of my dark soul.

Elie didn't like the term flower girl. She said it made her sound childish. So she was upgraded to a bridesmaid. When she comes out of the kitchen, arm-in-arm with Crew, I feel nothing but excitement. Marrying Serafina is the most natural thing I can do- and she should be following them any minute.

Crew claps me on the back, and Elie sticks out her tongue at me. I laugh. Little shit.

I glance over at my father one more time. He offered to walk Serafina down the aisle today, as a stand in for the man who didn't deserve to be here- dead or alive. She wanted to do it alone, though. My badass queen. She knows she can take on the world all by herself.

Until this moment, I haven't felt a beat of nerves. But when I see her for the first time, my lungs barely remember to breathe. Her hair is down in soft black waves that fall to her shoulders. Bright red lipstick lines her pouty mouth, and those expressive eyes stay locked on mine. Because we're anything but traditional, she had her white dress tinted pink. It's a slip of a thing, hugging her body in an elegant way. Black riding boots lace up her ankles, and I know I'm staring at the woman I'm meant to spend eternity with.

"My queen," I say, cupping her cheeks and pulling her in for a kiss.

Crew coughs and knocks against my shoulder. "You're supposed to do that later."

"Oh fuck right." I give the minister a smile and he grins back weakly.

Serafina laughs and hands her white rose bouquet over to Elie.

I can't tell you a single thing that happened after that. The next words I remember hearing are "Mr. Meier, you may now kiss your bride."

"Hell yeah," I say, pulling her against me. She smiles against my lips and wraps an arm around my neck.

"Happy Halloween, baby," she whispers into our kiss.

I turn her cheek, kissing down her jawline, not stopping until I reach my name on her neck. Sucking her skin between my teeth, I nibble her tender flesh, until I hear her release a breathy moan.

"Save something for the honeymoon," Crew leans in, speaking under his breath.

"You two are weird," Elie says, handing Serafina back her bouquet.

I run my hands down her body, scooping her up into my arms. "Come on, Mrs. Meier. Time to go."

KING : Children of Wolves Book 1 - MC Romance Series | Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now