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*For the sake of the book the plot will be based around 2020 but will have all of St Kilda's current 2021 players*

Madelyn's POV

Growing up an older sister taught me a few things.

One: be overprotective.

Two: be loving.

And three: beat up your brothers and remind them who's in charge — that is until they grow over a foot taller than you and you become their armrests and punching bag.

It just so happened that way despite being the older sister by almost 3 years. The tables turned pretty quick when my brothers, Max and Ben, shot up at the age of 16. Sadly they left me to sulk in my misfortune with becoming the shortest in the King family.

Although having gained the lack of height, at least I gained the looks and the brains. Dumb and Dumber didn't quite understand the memo there. They have, after all, lost all their brain cells from hitting the low doorway in the laundry. Idiots.

I moved out of home just before I turned 21 to travel Australia and photograph our natural beauty and wildlife. It was a dream — the warm nights on golden beaches, the calls of birds in the Bush and the dark nights which contrasted the Southern Cross in the sky. It was perfect.

I had left not long after Max and Ben were drafted to the St Kilda Football Club and the Gold Coast Suns respectively. I did ensure that I attended Ben's debut game in Round 19, 2019. Although they lost to Essendon, my brother kicked 4 goals. You could say I was proud, at least until he opened his big mouth and wouldn't shut up about how amazing he was.

After my travels around Australia I moved into Max's Melbourne home at the end of 2019. I landed myself in a household consisting of Max and our childhood friend, Jack Bytel. As luck would have it they both got drafted to the same club.

Jack, or "Bytes" as I call him, is like a third little brother to me. He acts like a big brother most of the time though. He's got that goofy smile, a personality which you can't help but love and gives the best hugs ever. It's fair to say he's my favourite.

Despite how annoying my brothers are they will always be special to me. I seek to protect them and they do the same with me, too. No wonder I have no boyfriend because the twin towers of terror keep scaring any guys off. Looks like my destiny is to be lonely, stuffing my face with chocolate whilst watching chick flicks. Not a terrible way to live, though.

I have thought about if I'd ever find someone to marry and have kids with. I've pondered on if it'll ever happen but I guess who's to tell. When and if I find the right person is unknown. I just hope if I do that they have a cute smile.

Either way, Max and Ben mean a lot to me and there's just about anything I'd do for them. I'm so glad they're living their dreams when it's all they've ever wanted to do. It's been an honour watching them work towards the goal and achieve it. Proud sister moment for sure.

But you know what isn't a proud sister moment? Max's shit cooking.

"I said half a cup of tomato paste, not a whole cup, you idiot!" I smack Max's arm with the wooden spoon harshly. This is definitely why Ben is Dumb and Max is Dumber.

"Ow! Was that really necessary?!" He yelps, shooing the spoon away with his hand, a sour look on his face.

"Yes. Yes it was. You have to read the recipe, not just throw whatever in the pan," I say before pointing to words in the cooking book. "You see those? They're called words and you read them," I emphasise snidely.

"I know what words are and what reading is. I'm not a child, Mads," he rebuts.

"We you're barely an adult." I smirk as he rolls his eyes.

The banter between Max and I has always been on another level. We take shots at each other all day long but we know exactly when enough is enough. We can read one another perfectly. I can tell when Max needs space and Max can tell when I need comfort. We just know.

Ben is the brother who is somewhat more mature yet always pushes your buttons. He's just gotta that kind of mix. He's the brother who listens to your troubles whereas Max is the one to give advice. Not a day goes by where I don't miss him whilst he's up in Queensland. I miss how he stroked my hair when I was distressed or did carpool karaoke with me. His voice is rather horrible though.

Both Ben and I try to FaceTime each other as I often as possible but it's becoming hard. He's always busy with footy and training that we just barely speak anymore. It hurts but he's living his dream and I'm not about to get in the way of that. I'm too selfless.

I wouldn't say I'm closer with Ben, it's just the fact that when someone is taken away from you it comes to a point where you realise their significance. You come to acknowledge what you miss about them and what you want to have back again. All you want is to enjoy the laughs and moments you shared with that person again, but knowing it won't happen is like taking a knife to the heart.

"Mads?" Max nudges me gently, noticing that I've spaced out and the sad frown planted on my face. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I try to shake off my obvious dejection but it's a futile attempt in trying to hide my emotions. Max knows me too well.

"You don't need to be secluded around me Mads. It's about Ben, isn't it?" He slightly tilts his head down at me, trying to determine whether I need a hug or not.

I do.

He wraps his arms around me. I sigh in contempt, my head against his broad chest.

"I know I saw him debut a few months ago but I miss him. I miss his presence and his stupidity. I miss the small things he did that either made me want to beat his ass or laugh out loud. I just really miss him." My words flow free like a river. I don't feel ashamed on how much I yearn to have Ben back.

During my time travelling there were multiple times where I wanted to pack it all up and just go home. To be surrounded by my family again and not feel so alone. I knew, though, that they wanted me to stay out there and live my own dream. They encouraged me to stay but they were also the reason I wanted to go. Every day got harder and there was just a point where I became a kid again, needing their family's aid and comfort. I needed the warmth that no Summer night could ever give.

I needed to come home. And so I did.

"I miss him too, Mads, and there's never a doubt in the world that he doesn't miss you either. I assure you you'll get to see him again in no time. It'll all be okay, I promise you." Max rubs my back reassuringly with one hand and pulls out the hair tie from my tight ponytail with the other. He knows it's probably giving me a headache.

"Thank you, Dumber," I chuckle lightheartedly against him, already feeling better.

"Will you ever stop with the insulting nicknames?" He questions, a light laugh escaping his lips.

"Never," I respond. It's quiet for a moment.

"Is something burning?"

I peer out from Max's chest. My eyes widen.

"Shit! The meatballs!"

Let the chaos begin.



It's been over a year since the ending of Something New and I am so happy to be writing a new book. I just sort of had this rush of motivation and decided to use that to write Fortuitous!

It's a little slow going but I promise it'll get soooo much better!

It's nice to be writing a book about my St Kilda boys since I love them and know a lot about them!

Either way I hope you enjoyed!

Cheers! xx

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