forty six

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Liked by @madelyn.king, @sebjross and 7851 others
☺️❤️ @madelyn.king

The sweetest🥺
- @jack_steele 🥰🥰

The ship has sailed🚢  #Madley
- @bradleyhill10 took em long
- @zak_jones10 👨‍✈️

Come on, give me credit for making this
happen @jack_steele @madelyn.king
- @jack_steele careful mate, your
head might get too big
- @madelyn.king deCLINE
- @_jackbillings 🥲

😍❗️New developments❗️😍
          - @jack_steele 🤷‍♂️

Totally not melting at that adorable photo. Jack is just so sweet; I can't even with him honestly.

St Kilda's number 9 brings me nothing but pure felicity. Being with him is just so different than being with anyone else. The joy is contagious when we're together and I can never get enough of it.

I sigh dreamily, lazing in a floating donut in the middle of the resort's infinity pool. The water cast is cocooned around my leg as I lounge with not a worry in the world.

The players have some AFL stuff to attend to which leaves me all by myself just to relax. No boys, no trouble. Exactly how I wish it would almost always be.

I love hanging out with the guys but sometimes it gets too much. I have very little female company here so sometimes I just get fed up with the boisterous boys which pretty much run the resort. I speak to Auds a lot but I can't always rely on her to keep my company.

I did tell her of the sun shower kiss and it's fair to say she lost her shit. So much so that SOS, Caleb and the Muffin Man came rushing in worriedly, thinking something bad happened when she screamed her head off.

Neither Jack and I have claimed or even acknowledged giving ourselves a label. It's not something we've spoken about. I don't see that as worrying, I take it as us just trying to soak up each other's company. No need for a label when we're happy as is.

"Do you have something to share with me?" Bytes has his eyebrow raised. He just appears out of nowhere on a paddle board.

I groan, my peaceful time alone interrupted by my pre-pubescent-faced housemate. I tug the sunglasses from my eyes and glare at him slightly.

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