sixty five

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First, there was a spark. A glimpse of a possibility. A time where two people spoke and bonded for one of the very first times.

Then, there was a small flame. A moment of realisation when two people understood that they felt more for each other than they originally realised.

And finally, there was a fire, warm and blazing. A glowing, ever-bright light formed by two people who finally expressed their affection for one another.

It only took chemistry that continued to form for the spark to be lit into the trickling light of oranges and yellows that is fire.

I can feel that fuzzy warmth building in my chest and rising up to my cheeks, turning them red. The feeling of his lips against mine again is phenomenal.

I've missed it and I've missed him but now I've got him back.

Madley is back.

Jack is stunned at this unexpected action on my behalf, unmoving and not pressing back. He was just trying to express his guilt in what he did but then the next minute I've made the first move and kissed him.

It's funny how things change, how things have shifted. Last time he was the one who caught me off guard, kissing me as the sun split the clouds and rain showered upon us, yet now I'm the one who has left him stupefied.

Unlike me, he quickly returns to the present and melts into the kiss with that goddamn smile. His hands encircle around my waist instinctively; he's been waiting ages to do that again, I can tell. When he does, I laugh emotionally.

My hand still grasps his tie and the other rests on his shoulder. I make no attempt to move either one.

The hum of chatter has become blurred, uninterpretable noise. The music is blended sound. We don't care—we're deaf to the world.

The thundering drums of our hearts are running free, open for each other to catch and to tame, but how can you tame a heart when the thrill comes from the kiss? When the pure happiness expressed within the action makes it beat faster and faster to rival the speed of light?

This kiss signifies us finally coming together again. A new chance to move on from whatever occurred because in this very kiss alone we know we need one another.

It was fate. Bumping into him was meant to happen. I was meant to uncover who he truly is. Everything happened for a reason. Us being with each other was and is meant to happen.

Madelyn King and Jack Steele are meant to be.

We pull back to catch a breath, his calloused hand moving up to hold my burning cheek with a sort of beautiful gentleness. My lips have barely moved from his. They graze against Jack's momentarily and I grin when he gives into the temptation and kisses me again.

The kiss isn't lustful, it's just an action orchestrated from deep within and laced with a soft and meaningful passion. No further intentions, just an expression of love shared by two people longing for each other. Two people that have found one another again and are not afraid to show affection.

The intimacy doesn't scare me anymore, how could it? It's all because of Jack right now. We helped one another and here we are, together, with no plans of either leaving again.

"I didn't expect that," he breathes out, pulling back.

"You never do, Steelo," I laugh lightly. My lips still tingle.

"God, I love you," Jack admits purely, eyes glistening with such admiration. My facial features practically collapse at those words, my eyes watering ever so slightly. I would say some snarky comment but none are surfacing.

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