fifty seven

370 18 136

This game will be the perfect distraction I need.

All I've been able to think about is Jack and I's conversation which didn't go smoothly. It's not like I really wanted to have a chat with him but it happened nonetheless.

How he could turn it on me was unfathomable, how he could say that I'm the problem. I wasn't the one who left him for someone else without explanation. I wasn't the one who went out of their way to hurt his feelings.

For what reason would I want to lose all the amazing moments we shared together by leaving? I would never do that because those memories are what I value. It just makes me think did they really mean nothing to him despite him saying they did. I just can't tell with him. I used to but not anymore.

I'm not necessarily mad at Taylah because it was Jack's decision to leave me for her. She may've been a reason he left but she wasn't the reason. There were obviously more factors as to why Jack decided her over me. I wish I knew what they were.

There have no doubt been questions of why and how wasn't I good enough that have stuck to my brain like a tick. It's the self doubt running its course I guess.

Either way, the Saints will be playing the Giants in a game that'll determine whether or not we make finals. It commences at 7:50pm in Brisbane so we'll be leaving Noosa at around 4. That means we have pretty much the whole day to prepare and do whatever to pass time.

Ben will be in attendance as it's a Friday night game and he doesn't play until Sunday. He wanted to cheer on his brother in a possible season defining game. I can't wait to see him again.

The bristles of the hairbrush comb through my hair as I prepare to join the players for breakfast. The warm Queensland sun is out on this glorious and exciting day. You can just feel something special in the air.

I throw my camera batteries on charge and ensure the SD cards are ready. Once I'm done my feet lead me out the door.

I stroll past Jack's room with a sigh before continuing on to the elevators.

There are a few of the boys inside but most of them are eating their breakfast outside, soaking up the sunshine. You can tell they're trying to enjoy themselves and not get too stressed about the game ahead.

I put together a yogurt and fruit bowl before grabbing a juicebox on the way out. The soothing breeze tickles my bare skin as I release a calming sigh. I find my brother sitting alone on the grass in the open space where Jack and I kissed. I swallow the deep pain and walk onward.

Max glances up at the sky, the sunlight causing his face to glow and make the smile tracing his lips more visible. His smile causes me to smile. He closes his eyes and just absorbs the serenity this morning brings.

I approach and Max notices, the goofy grin on his face widening further. I don't make any jokes but rather sit quietly on the grass beside the oldest twin. He wraps his arm over my shoulders and pulls me close. I lean into him, breathing out contently.

We both eat our breakfast silently and just enjoy this moment together.

It's not too often that we get to be with each other without any interruptions. It's just us. Brother and sister. One sibling is missing but he's not far away. It brings me comfort as does Max's protective embrace.

"I'm glad you're here Mads," Max says honestly into my hair.

"Me too, Max. Me too."

My eyelids close over and I pretty much fall asleep in the safe arms of my brother, unaware of Jack's longing look from afar.

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