sixty seven

437 19 166

Before I knew it a few days had past since arriving back home and it's been so good.

In that time I've done some gaming with Ben, Mum and Dad came by whilst Bytes went to visit his family since he was separated from them for so long. It's fair to say there have been many laughs shared in the house. Everything feels all the more complete with Ben here.

I admit it's weird not waking up and going to the dining area for breakfast whilst surrounded by all the Saints boys. It became since a routine that it was engraved into me. I miss aspects of it but I like being in my own house again.

Not to mention that waking up in my bed has been rejuvenating and I've found myself being happier and more alive in the mornings.

Today I'm in an extra good mood because I'll be going to Jack's house and staying the night too. I've never been to his house before so I'm actually really excited.

Him and I have been messaging nonstop since we arrived in Melbourne. I really want to see him again.

I throw on Jack's hoodie and smile without thinking as I snuggle into it. I nearly fall down the stairs by how distracted I am with cuddling it to my chest. I also have a bag over my shoulder with clothes I may need for the stay, although I'm sure his clothes would've sufficed.

I round the corner, clutching the bag strap on my hand and it's then that I notice my three boys standing in the way of the door with arms crossed. Bytes is in the middle whilst Max and Ben are on either side of him; he looks short in between the twins. They look like they could all be in an album cover.

I raise an eyebrow at them in questioning. "Do you want me to say a password or something?" They don't answer, remaining stoic. "Looks like I'll take the garage."

I go to turn around but Bytes swiftly positions himself in the way. How convenient. I poke him in the chest repeatedly, my index finger jabbing him harshly and impatiently with annoyance.

"Does it have a move button? If so, it isn't working." I try push him out the way but he holds firm. He grabs my finger and I grumble. "What?! I have places to be."

"We have a ground rule that needs to set," Ben informs me expressionlessly.

I roll my eyes, fed up with them. "And that is?"

"Don't get pregnant," Max warns with narrowed eyes. Why the hell would I want to get pregnant when I've barely lived my life?

"Yeah, you're too young," Ben states sternly, backing up his brother. No shit.

"I second that," Bytes butts in seriously. Teacher's pet.

"Yeah yeah, I've got it. I may love Charlotte but doesn't mean I currently want to have kids," I state obviously. "Can I go now?" I throw my arms out, exasperated. Bytes has to let go of my finger.

"Yes you can," Max confirms and smiles with innocence as do the other two. They act as if nothing happened. The boys then move away from the front door, giving me free passage.

"Good." I blow them a goodbye kiss when I walk by and head to my car.

I put Jack's address into Google Maps and begin driving. It takes me 15 minutes to arrive at his modern double story. Not bad, not bad.

I practically skip to his front door with indescribable joy, excitement bubbling. He has one of those camera doorbells so of course I place my eye right up to the lens and ring the doorbell. It helps that I never told Jack what time I'll be arriving which means he won't expect a thing.

A few moments pass until I hear a crackling sound in my ear. I grin.

"Who is—what the hell Maddy!" He screeches through the doorbell speaker so loud that it hurts my ear slightly.

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