thirty two

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My back rests against the grey cushioning of the communal lounge. I swirl my teal and silver bracelet around my pointer finger with a dried look of boredom, my eyes staring at nothing in particular with a sort of disinterest.

Now this kind of boredom sucks. Like the kind of boredom where you're just dead to the world. Where something interesting has been deterred by this lack of atmospherical energy.

To be fair there is no one with me right now. The room is deserted and quiet. I mean it's completely quiet from human noise but I can still hear the peaceful tweeting of the wildlife outside. Why am I even here? I laugh to myself in my head.

I should go for a run or something. Call Ben? Auds? Doing something in general would suffice and feed my boredom.

Something then hits my right temple, knocking onto the bone and snapping me from this lazy daze. I glance at the ground to see a small un-cracked walnut lying on the patterned carpet lonesomely. My eyes then divert to the culprit.

"You looked a little bored, Cline," JB snorts amusingly, shrugging and throwing another walnut at me. I catch it this time and scoff at him.

"Were both of those necessary, especially the last one?" I roll my eyes but crack open the nut and eat it regardless.

"Well you're not bored anymore, are you?" He questions back. "And you just ate the ammo so it's not like it was terribly wrong for me to do that."

"I guess not," I state, my shoulders rising and dropping in a shrug. I collect the first walnut from the floor and chuck it at his chest—it hits. I stroll over to him casually.

I smirk at the taller and older guy before we do our special handshake, grinning simultaneously when we complete it.

Both JB and I share this really interesting close friend dynamic. Maybe more like really good best friends. I do a few cheeky pranks with Lones but I also do quite a few with JB. We've done a lot of knick knocking in the hub too.

I think it was a late evening and JB and I sneaked around to Dougs' room, his room not being terribly far from mine. The plan was that JB and I knock at the same time and sprint in the different directions but I had a different idea in mind, I just didn't disclose it with my partner. Bit of a double-crosser moment but I wanted to have fun on top of the existing fun.

We knocked on the wood in quick succession and JB charged away from me. Instead of doing the same I adjusted my positioning to look surprised. Then Dougs threw open the door with a fuming annoyance. His eyes shot to me with a dark look but I wasn't watching him, instead I observed JB's distant figure with disgust and my own fake annoyance.

"What the hell JB?" I shouted in irritation to make myself look uninvolved and innocent. I pointed at the brunette who had this betrayed look on his face.

It was quite a sight seeing Dougs storm down the hallway after JB with vengeance as the smaller guy ran for his life.

Then there's me who ducked into Dougs' room and stole the chocolate bar on the kitchen counter. What can I say? Don't leave chocolate out on the open.

Either way, JB is probably one of my closest mates here although this guy doesn't shut up about the click between Jack and I. Every time he mentions it I want to strangle him. It's so annoying.

"So you threw a walnut at me with the intention of getting my interest. So what do you wanna do?" I ask curiously.

"A few of the boys are playing soccer in the gardens. Wanna join?" JB offers, gesturing his arm to the doors that lead outside.

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