forty seven

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My hair is being pulled from its roots as the warm water sprays from the showerhead above. My clothes are getting soaked but so are my cheeks. The only difference is the tears wash away but the clothes don't; they stick to me.

I don't care that my boot is getting wet once again. It's honestly the least of my problems, especially as I cry out in lament on the floor of my bathroom.

A King doesn't show weakness, they only exhibit power. But when they let pain reveal itself then they find themselves dominated and overwhelmed by something more superior, and in this case it's this agonising fervour. The oldest King has been overthrown by raw emotion and pain, left to be ruled over by it alone.

The painful sobs wrack my body in waves, making me shiver and cough under their influence.

I can't seem to stop. It's all too much. It's been so long since I last cried because of emotional pain... but now I just can't seem to stop myself.

I. Can't. Stop.

My head is pounding, my brain shutting down. Max's confession just hit on another level. A more severe and personal level which encourages suffering on all fronts. We've never had a rift this bad.

The two of us have had arguments, most of them petty, but never something that has caused so much strife and affliction. It's never once got to the point where it's this personal. Our tightknit bond has never sparked or revealed such harmful thoughts. I didn't think my own brother would be this selfish. To only allow me to travel Australia because I would be by myself and wouldn't form an intimate relationship whilst I was out there.

For when did he decide that was the only reason he let me go?

For when did he think it was okay?

Surely he didn't mean it... surely...

I could only hope it was a slip of the lip and not something he actually meant. For now I doubt it was a slip up because if it wasn't then it wouldn't hurt this bad, right? I wouldn't be crying on the polished bathroom floor.

My hands fall free of my hair and slack by my side. I rest my head against the tiles, sobs getting lower but still just as torturous. The water soothes my muscles but not my mind.

My mind is like a livewire filled with uncontrollable energy. Only way to shut it down is to pull the plug.

My thoughts are driving me all over the place. Everything is everywhere. One thought after another that I just can't seem to comprehend. All I can comprehend is the tears spilling down my cheeks yet are hidden by the water washing them away. The only sign of my distress is the now silent sobs shaking my body.

But yet again it only takes one little thing to push me over the edge once more in this vulnerable state.

I have no anchor. I have no comfort. I have no one right now.

I'm alone.

Alone like I once was before...


Steeley's POV.

Max and I stand side by side, just staring at where Madelyn wobbled out.

Her shattered and pained expression wasn't something I enjoyed seeing. I'm so used to her teasing smirk or beautiful smile. That sadness was unnatural to see in her eyes and etched into her facial features. I hated it. I hated seeing her so emotional.

How could Max think such a thing though? How could he only allow her to travel because she wouldn't hook up with anyone? He can't be serious. That's so wrong.

Fortuitous || Jack Steele [1]Where stories live. Discover now