forty eight

470 18 61

Madelyn's POV.

I stir awake and the first thing I realise is that I'm not alone.

With eyes open I can only see the skin of another. I'm not shocked as I quickly remember what occurred last night. Oh, and who exactly I'm with.

Max and I fought, Jack hauled me out of the shower, dried my hair, comforted me and then we fell asleep in one another's arms. Simple but that's how the story went.

Jack and I face one another in a tight snuggle. His head rests on top of mine, his muscular arm wrapped around my shoulders, holding me there, with my own arms tucked against his chest, his warmth against my skin. Our legs are tangled.

His scent is right up in my nose; it's Lynx Africa. Does he not own any other kind of Lynx deodorant? There are so many different types. I guess it's iconic to him at least.

Jack is still fast asleep despite how I'm already awake. He unconsciously nuzzles his face further into my hair; I feel him breath in. On instinct a smile lights up my face, not that anyone can see it as his chest is right there.

His arms are like a safe haven. A protected place where I can retreat to and find comfort in. Somewhere where warmth is found and kept close. It's a place you never want to leave.

The morning sun seeps through the curtains and creates a glow in the room. That doesn't bother Jack though, he's too busy snoozing and using me as his own personal pillow. He's so content and unaffected.

It says a lot about trust when falling asleep with someone else. You're vulnerable when you sleep so to have enough faith in someone and doze off truly says a lot.

I trust him and he trusts me.

A yawn escapes my lips as I attempt to stretch out my muscles a little. The slight movement causes Jack to tighten his grip, subconsciously not wanting me to go away and leave him. Soft. There is absolutely no space between us now as my arms are getting squished against his chest. He's definitely a cuddler.

All of a sudden he rolls over with me still attached to him, adamant on keeping me close. His hold doesn't falter whatsoever around me. I just accept my fate but I don't expect what happens next.

We fall off the bed.

The sheets comes down as well, entangling the two of us within its material. The covers are wrapped around our legs and twisted around our bodies, tying us together like a ribbon. We're kind of trapped, pressed against one another by a piece of cloth.

I land on Jack's stomach and he grunts because of my sudden weight. I let out an oomph at the impact. My head now lies on his sternum, half of my body resting on top of him. He's awake now, eyes wide and shocked at the turn of events. One moment he was fast asleep and then all of a sudden he's on the floor having softened my fall.

I lift my head, blowing my hair from my face and glance in his direction.

Jack's morning hair is tousled. Somehow it's neat yet messy. The brown strands are knotted and overlapping on the top of his head. It makes him look extra cute.

"How sweet of you to break my fall." I place my hand over my heart, smirking in his face which is close to mine; our noses almost touch. He just shakes his head, still somewhat stunned.

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