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Despite the crazy past two days I can't seem to sleep. Maybe it's because of the new bed. Maybe it's because I'm in a totally different environment. I just don't understand why I can't turn off when I'm absolutely exhausted. It doesn't make sense.

I've resorted to tiring myself out further by watching TV but it isn't doing anything. It's getting frustrating now. I mean it's only 11pm but I still just want to go to sleep. Why can't I?

After a good ten minutes of deliberating, I decide to go out for a night walk. It's warm outside and maybe it'll allow me to wind down once and for all. I'll be by myself to my own tired thoughts. It might be enough.

I grab the keys from the hook and bury them in my pocket. I cringe when I open the door and it  squeaks. I curse under my breath in annoyance. You're a 5 star resort, I'm pretty sure purchasing some WD-40 won't eat into your budget, I think in my head.

I wander through the silent halls and travel to the dining area. It's deserted when I arrive which truly shows how tired everyone is. No one was willing to stay up. I grab a snack and then exit through the automatic doors.

Outside I can hear the palm trees swaying lightly in the breeze and the fountains of the pool. It's peaceful. The moon is clear in the sky as it reflects off the pool water and casts a subtle glow on a lone figure standing there. Huh?

The strongly-built figure stands there with their hands in their pockets. They look relaxed as they observe the beautiful stars painting the sky in small speckles of mysterious light. Their hair is short and combed, their facial structure one I recognise instantly. I know who this is.

"Steelo?" I call out to him in a low and surprised tone as not to scare him. I don't necessarily want him falling into the pool. If it was Max I would've pushed him in, but we don't talk about that.

Jack turns around and his eyes broaden at my unexpected appearance. "Madelyn? What are you doing out here?"

"Yeah it's the best King here," I confirm. "I couldn't sleep."

"Neither," he replies, watching me intently before glancing back up at the sky.

Behind his eyes I can tell there's a lot going on. He's been cooking up a storm of thoughts, that much I can tell. He's lost and unsure like he's always been, although this time it's a lot easier to notice. He's bothered by something but no way on earth would I ask. It's none of my business and I respect his boundaries.

Looking at him I do realise something though. I realise that don't know anything other than that he wears the number 9, is close mates with Caleb and hates the Muffin Man. Of course I've put together that he's an introvert but I don't even know the simple stuff about him. The personal stuff is sophisticated and it takes awhile to trust someone enough to tell them, but the simple stuff like what's your favourite movie or did you have a goldfish when you were younger are easy questions.

"I barely know you," I blurt out. I notice him cringe slightly at my comment. The idea of opening up is a bit unsettling to him.

"I'm not going to push you with personal questions," I reassure him. He watches me before nodding. "Let's go on a walk."

We follow the dimly lit paths leading around the resort.

"So what's your favourite colour?" Jack pulls a funny face at the question. "A simple, easy and childish question. I'm sure you can answer that. Or can't you?" I tease light-heartedly.

"I just didn't expect that," he insists. There's a pause as he takes a moment to think through the question. "Blue."

"Like the sky?"

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