forty three

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"Max! Give that back!" I yell angrily at my brother who had the audacity to take my juice box.

I was just partaking in friendly conversation with Jack, minding my own business when he came up and snatched the drink right from my hand. I'm fuming. He knows full well that I can't run but I hop after him anyway. That was the last tropical juice box left and it's mine.

The coaches, staff and players watch Max and I with amused looks, not bothering to aid Max or assist me in catching him. Despite possibly injuring myself further I hop after him angrily, launching myself. I use tables and chairs to boost me forward and increase the momentum.

Max has got the jump on me but saviour Bytes comes to my aid and gets in his way, causing Max's pace to decrease. In that second I dive forth and tackle Dumber to the carpeted floor. My weight and the force of impact is enough to bring him down. I barely miss smacking my booted leg harshly.

"Holding the ball!" The crowd yells, a few of the boys doing the signal for it, before bursting into laughter.

Max tries to crawl away but I pin him down, using my legs and arms to hold him in place. He then attempts to throw me off but I knee him right where the sun don't shine, my patience drained from existence. My brother yelps in pain and is left immobilised on the ground, balling himself up. I grab my juice box roughly and use a nearby table to help me up. I sneer at the groaning twin bitterly.

"Should've thought about your future kids before taking my juice," I grumble unhappily, scowling. I flip my hair, collect my crutches and leave the building. I hear a few snickers on the way out.

A light breeze swirls in the air causing the trees to sway in the wind and cast dark and towering shadows on the ground.

"What an idiot," I say to myself with an eye roll as I head down a concrete path, gripping the juice box tightly. The bottom of the crutches click on the hard surface until my feet hit the recently trimmed lawn. I sink down to the grass, throwing the walking sticks to the side carelessly.

I sit alone in the clearing and drink my tropical juice happily. I observe the thick clouds above which are beginning to take over the sky and paint it grey rather than blue.

I wear Jack's grey hoodie which I've had for ages but have forgotten to give back. It smells so much like him and is warm like he is. Even when I washed it his scent still remained in the material. I just haven't had the heart to give it back as selfish as that is. It's just such a nice hoodie and I love it, albeit it being a tad oversized.

This piece of his clothing with Jack's cologne is just somehow calming to me. It reminds me of his laugh and his eyes and his gorgeous smile. It's just so him.

I cuddle the hoodie close to my chest with both hands, breathing in and sighing out. My shoulders relax naturally.

"It took your brother awhile to get up," Jack's voice sounds with a chuckle. He joins me on the grass, almost pressing against my left side.

I play obliviously with the teal and silver bracelet around my wrist. It's not because I'm stressed, I just do it without even knowing. Jack seems to notice it though.

"Good. He should know not to take things from me," I grumble honestly and slurp up the last drops of the juice. "What is mine, is mine."

"Well I thought that hoodie was mine?" Jack looks at me with a smirk, pointing at the hoodie I wear. His eyebrow lifts with recognition at his own clothing. I choke slightly on the straw but play it cool. Well I try to.

"Uh... no?" It comes out as a question and I mentally facepalm. Idiot. Not subtle.

"I think it is," Jack insists with a smirk still steady on his lips. "So what you steal is yours too?"

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