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The more the night went on, the more it got crazy. Many more drinks have been consumed and lots of laughs have been shared. A few of the boys had got up to participate in karaoke but the biggest surprise was yet to come.

Jack has become far too comfortable during the night. He's been getting more and more relaxed the longer time ticked on but he's about to get a shocking surprise. I always leave the best till last, I thought he'd be aware of that. I thought he'd know not to underestimate me.

"Alright everyone! It's been a great night but we still have one more song that must be sung tonight!"

There's a few murmurs on who'll sing whatever this song is but I've already decided and he won't be expecting it at all. The biggest smirk plants itself on my face.

"Jack Steele, it's your turn!" I announce which earns a few eager and excited responses. I hobble down the stage steps and grab his arm in a firm grip.

"Wait, what!?" He exclaims fearfully, trying to bury himself further into the chair to preserve himself from possible embarrassment. He doesn't budge when I tug at his arm but his teammates come to my aid, noticing his reluctance. "No, no!"

The boys wrestle with him as he smacks their arms away, eyes wide. His desperate attempts are futile as the group are able shove him up and out of the chair. Jack tries to wiggle out of their grasp and run for the hills but he's trapped and not going anywhere.

"Come on Pig!" A few of the boys encourage.

With one final tug of my arm and push from the boys, he's up on stage. We bump into one another's chests unintentionally. Jack almost  bulldozes me but luckily he grabs my upper arms and steadies me. We're very close together but break apart quickly, composing ourselves with relative ease. I don't notice Max's scornful look.

Jack appears rather terrified and rightly so because I'm about to make him sing. I hand a mic over to him and he takes it with a gulp, his hesitance clear.

"Don't sweat it Steelo, I'll sing with you," I inform him, bumping his side with encouragement. I send him a reassuring look when I notice his hesitation.

The music sounds from the speakers and I can tell he knows the song by the way his muscles relax slightly. He straightens up, breathing out slowly. He sends me one last look before facing ahead.

"Can you hear me calling
Out your name?"

I mean in all honesty he doesn't sound terrible but he definitely sounds nervous. He does have a smile on his face, though, which is a good sign.

"You know that I'm falling
And I don't know what to say
I'll speak a little louder
I'll even shout"

"Atta boy Steeley!" His teammates get behind him and cheer him on. The staff and coaches do the same too. He laughs lightly at their antics whilst continuing to sing.

"You know that I'm proud
And I can't get the words out"

Now I bring the mic to my lips in readiness for the high note I need to hit.

"Oh, I"

I hit the high note perfectly, the tune playing in the background as the next verse is now upon us. Instead nothing happens and no lyrics are sung. It's silent.

"Why aren't you singing? This is your bit." I turn to Jack only to find him already looking at me with a shocked expression.

He stares at me with a mixture of admiration, amazement and utter surprise, all emotions that highlighting his face. His gaze doesn't shift from me at all, not to the lights, not to the crowd—only me. I'm all his eyes are on. Does he need help like Max? Is there something on my face that wasn't there before?

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