thirty five

502 21 73

Madelyn's POV.

Leaving the hospital was nothing but pure relief.

I hated being alone. I hated having no one to annoy. I hated the smell; it burnt my nose. The medical alcohol was all I smelt for days. It's now an engraved scent in my brain.

I missed my brother's stupidity. I missed Lones' goofiness. I missed Bytes' affection. I even missed JB's stupid Madley talk. But what I missed most was Jack's company and his smile. It'll never get old that warm smile. It could've warmed up that cold hospital room in no time.

Upon exiting surgery I was met with 26 missed calls, 41 messages and 17 voicemails. Most were from Ben, closely followed by my brother and then with some from Audrey, Caleb, Lones, Bytes, JB and Jack.

I don't think I've ever witnessed Ben so unbelievably anxious when I managed to shake the sleepiness and call him back. Max had insisted that I was okay but I feel like his voice gave away the distress which then fed into his brother. The youngest King would not shut up about how he was pulling his hair out with worry because no one was telling him anything. I mean how was anyone supposed to? I was under anaesthetic and couldn't tell anyone how I was going.

According to the nurse I was insanely loopy after the procedure to drill my leg back together. She said something about me wanting to kiss someone. Like what the hell was that about?

Either way I had spent a good 15 minutes trying to get Ben to calm down. I had to convince him that I was okay and that he didn't need to drive up. I didn't want him missing any training or games because of me. A broken leg isn't ideal but it isn't life threatening. I'm fine and I didn't want Ben to worry too much.

Audrey and Caleb heard the news from Jack. They sent me messages of support and wished me the best in my recovery. Max insisted that I call him after surgery. Lones, JB and Bytes sent me virtual hugs and Jack wrote me a touching message. Everyone's support meant a lot to me.

The days in hospital consisted of being taught how to use crutches and how to care for my leg. It was pretty easy to understand. They also gave me signs to watch for in case of a concussion.

But now I'm free from this place to return to the hub—and I haven't told anyone.

There's no fun in not surprising them with my arrival. I personally feel like you get more of a genuine reaction compared to if you were to tell them.

A hospital staff kindly drops me off and I thank them for the ride. The resort grounds are rather deserted and liveless when I enter. My crutches click against the concrete, my knee bent to keep my foot from the ground. It's quiet; no one must be outside.

The crutches rub under my arms and it hurts much to my annoyance. Regardless, I approach the dining area with a growing smile planting itself on my face.

Through the large transparent windows I locate most of the boys doing stuff to keep them entertained. Despite that the mood seems rather dull from what I can tell. My attention drifts from inside when the sliding of automatic doors captures my attention.

Jack appears first, his hair perfect like it always has been. My crutches hit the pavement with a clang when my arms naturally widen to beckon him into an embrace. He complies without a moment of hesitation.

I'm engulfed immediately with a sense of comforting security and warmth. I lean into him because of my leg but it's mainly because I unconsciously want to be close to him. He's always someone I've been comfortable with from the start. It's only now that we've properly hugged as the nerf gun war didn't count. It's only now that I'm melting in his arms in a way I never have with anyone else.

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