twenty five

515 18 142

Queensland ain't known as the 'Sunshine State' for nothing. But as of right now I beg to differ.

Hard pellets of rain hammer against the windows which span from the floor to the roof. It's become a sort of rhythm as each drop combines with many to pound against the glass. The rain gets harder and louder as if angry that it can't get inside. Usually such a sound would be considered relaxing but to me it's the opposite.

The boys don't seem to be caring of the downpour outside. A lot of them are either playing pool, car racing on arcade machines or staring at their phones doing god knows what. I've been in one of the armchairs in the corner of the room editing photos, or at least I'm trying to.

I've been in this position trying to get stuff done for the past hour. It's like my capability to get things done has deserted me like the sun outside. My mood has converted from comedic to sour. I'm drained. I'm unmotivated. It irks me in ways I couldn't even begin to imagine. My coffee is now cold and I'm a really out of it. I feel so stale.

My fingers fiddle with the teal and silver thread bracelet that I got from some random gift store in Far North Queensland. I spin the material around my wrist—unaware that I'm even doing it—as I huff to myself.

It's fair to say that these moods aren't common. I try preventing my demeanour from falling into this pessimistic and unproductive state as much as possible. Unfortunately you can't seal all cracks as they chip away and somehow manage to widen no matter what you do.

The weather has seemed to darken my mood, coating the brightness with something more cloudy and undesirable.

Could the weather be the culprit? Could it be the reason that's affecting my concentration and motivation to get work done? Or maybe it's because we've been in the hub for two weeks now. It's hard to tell.

My index finger drums against the smooth exterior of my laptop, my eyes detachedly staring at the photo in front of me. I sound my frustration through a rough grunt. The rain falls harder which just augments my severe irritation. I throw my head back at the wall I've hit. I run both my hands through my hair with a heavy sigh, eyes seemingly glaring at the roof as if that'll solve my current problem.

"You alright?"

The back of my head feels like it's filled with rock, weighing it down. My neck arches around the back of the chair. I somehow manage to bring myself upright and notice Jack standing there. I hear concern in his voice.

"Yeah I guess so. I think the weather is putting me in a bad mood," I respond, rubbing my forehead to soothe the forming headache. He takes a seat across from me, leaning forward without removing his thoughtful and considerate gaze.

This is the first time he's ever approached me, I realise. All of the other times I've gone up to him or the interaction was unintentional. Did he come over because he saw my distress or because he's becoming comfortable around me? Maybe both.

"It's the first time it's been this bad. It's only every showered but never a full on downpour," he states, glancing towards the window at the water sliding down the panes.

I nod and immediately regret looking at my laptop. The photo lit up on the screen teases me and makes the frustration grow like a wildfire. "Ugh!"

Before I can possibly hurl my laptop across the room—because yes I've thought of that many times in the past hour—it's taken by Jack, closed and then placed against his seat at an angle.

"I think that's enough for now," he suggests, watching me for a reaction. My instant response is slumping back against my chair with a humph. He snickers ever so slightly before his face falls into something more serious. "Do you really think it's the weather that's affecting your mood?"

Fortuitous || Jack Steele [1]Where stories live. Discover now