fifty three

425 19 174

There's an angry fire lighting up the Queensland sky. The golden sun sets over the ocean, painting its surface with the magnificent reds, oranges and pinks. It's very romantic and truly breathtaking like the guy in front of me.

I smile against Jack's soft lips as he kisses me lovingly.

His thumb traces my cheekbone, his other hand splayed against my lower back. My arms are looped around the back of his neck, pulling him in closer.

Our lips move in sync, both of us enthralled in one another.

Out of nowhere, Jack shoves me away forcefully, almost making me fall over. He doesn't look in my direction, his muscles tense. Did I do something wrong?

"Jack?" I place my palm on his bicep in concern. He shrugs me off with a hateful glare. I rear back in surprise, not expecting such a deadly look.

"You're so desperate," he laughs with no humour. "I have no interest in you, I was just leading you on."

Jack throws his head back in a deep laugh before narrowing his eyes at me again. Next thing I know he shoves me again more aggressively. This time I actually trip over my feet and fall into black nothingness with an awful scream.

I shoot up from the pillows with a gasp. Tears coat my red cheeks as I heave on the spot and try to shake the horrible dream from my head.

I groan, wiping a hand down my face and clearing the blurry vision.

It felt real. The kiss was so honest along with the emotion laced within the action. I was drawn in by it yet in the end it was nothing but false hope.

I don't understand how it could be so real yet so fake at the same time. It just makes it all the more painful to have opened up to him in the way I feared most. In the end I've been stabbed by my own knife.

These clothes feel icky so I throw them off and put on something that doesn't make me feel so confined. I feel much more refreshed afterwards.

My feet drag me into the kitchen, my hands reaching for a glass and filling it with cold water. I scull the lot in one swig, gasping as the chilliness burns my throat.

The glass is placed back on the counter as my eyes spot Jack's grey hoodie hanging from the desk chair. An anger surges through me.

I've been betrayed by the very person I thought I never would be. I threw the lure and he took the bait but pulled me straight in the water with him, practically drowning me in the process, whether it be with my own tears or the belief that I could trust him. How incredibly romantic.

I storm forward and snatch the clothing furiously. My feet stomp against the floor as I tear open my apartment door. You can pretty much feel the heat radiating from my form.

My fist slams against Jack's door with multiple hits. I pretty much take out all my rage on the poor wood. It opens and I waste no time shoving the hoodie into his Jack's arms harshly, so much so that he stumbles back a step.

He goes to say something as soon as he steadies but I don't give him a chance.

"Here. You wanted it back so your wish is my command," I hiss snottily before turning my back with all intentions of leaving him there.


I whip around, almost pulling a muscle in my neck. My jaw clenches.

"You can't call me that. You never should've been able to," I snap resentfully with my face screwed up, disgusted. To think I ever let him get away with using the nickname I despise.

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