twenty eight

522 22 244

Not knowing where Jack is makes me deeply unsettled. What if he was eliminated? What if one of the boys got him? It's fair to say it was reckless to take someone like Hilly on without backup but I did it anyway. Now I've been separated from my teammate as only six players remain in the war.

My original goal was to try eliminate Hunts but the man is like a ghost. I haven't actually seen him. Sure, he shot at us, but I never actually saw his face or where he was hiding. He's a sneaky bastard.

Now I've resided in the slide by the pool. I need to determine my next plan of attack before going out guns ablazing. Impulsiveness won't win this for me. I can't just rush out and hope for the best, especially without Jack by my side.

"Oh Madelyn!" Butts draws out my name tauntingly. He's trying to draw me out of hiding. He doesn't sound close but he doesn't necessarily sound that far away either. "I've knocked out three players and you're next on my list."

My teeth dig into my bottom lip as I concentrate on formulating a plan. I need an escape but where the hell do I go? And Butts is only one threat out of the others. The other boys are still out their lurking, praying for their opportunity to claim victory in the form of a nerf gun war. I regret separating from Jack so much now.

"Madelyn." His voice is closer now. He isn't afraid to let me know he's there. He isn't afraid to let anyone know he's there. Butts is just that confident. Too confident.

Thumping resonates in open space of my skull, gaining volume as the suspense builds. Come on Madelyn, think of something. Get out of here.

An idea pops in my head.

Latching onto the smooth surface, I crawl up the slide as quietly as possible. I do everything to prevent my shoes from squealing against the slide. I reach the top and take a quick survey of my surrounds, evaluating options for escape and threat.

Butts strolls around with his chest out, a strut in his step like he owns the place. It's as if he can taste victory on the tip of his tongue. Such arrogance. He's far enough away that I think I can escape through the bottom of the slide and take cover before he can fire. I decide it's my best bet as I'll be cornered if I stay here.

I rush down the slide and bolt forward as soon as my feet hit the tarmac.

"There you are!" Butts declares. I'm heavily aware that a fit and tallish athlete is hellbent on nailing me with a foam bullet.

I run past Blondie and just as I do so Butts pulls the trigger.

"Thanks Blondie!" I yell when a shot meant for me hits him. He rubs his arm and scowls at his teammate in disapproval.

Butts pursues after me, unyielding but neither am I. Rouge branches scratch my bare torso, some digging deep into my exposed skin as I leap through the plant life. I wince. Damn, I should've chucked on a shirt before joining in on this.

My legs ache but I don't stop.

I duck behind a corner knowing Butts wouldn't be foolish enough to run in head on. He's heavily aware I would have the gun aimed right at his head if he did that. At least the man isn't that stupid. This short term break is welcome and blesses me with a moment to catch my breath. I end up repositioning behind a large rock that hides me completely.

My attention is diverted for a temporary moment when I glance down at my scraped up and slightly bloody sides. My stomach stings painfully when the adrenaline of the chase wears off. I cringe when my finger grazes the tender skin.

My distraction is costly and gives Butts a chance to sneak up behind me. I don't notice, but Jack does.

He covers me and shoots at Butts who doesn't expect him to suddenly appear. The foam bullet hits the former Richmond player's shoulder. Fatality.

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