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The sun lights up in a white, blinding fire contrasted by the cool tones of the blue sky. It's warm rays have no clouds to compete with as it shines down on the group freely. No wonder Ben moved up here.

The disparity between Melbourne and Noosa weather is unbelievable.

Melbourne, in the deep months of Winter, rarely, if at all, produces such nice weather with comfortable temperatures. It's always fucking freezing. The wind there is of arctic climate and the rain is horrible which makes it feel below zero. That's something I definitely won't miss.

The group of players, coaches and staff collect their baggage from under the bus and stand to the side. I grab my suitcase and move next to Blondie as he already has his gear.

"How do you reckon this'll all work?" I ask, looking up to him. He thinks for a moment before answering.

"I think they'll host a meeting and outline how things at the hub will work. Training, eating, free time, all that kind of stuff. Then we'll be given our rooms and the day off to associate ourselves with all the facilities. Probably have some lunch too." I nod my head at his thoughtful response.

"At least the weather's nice," I add, taking a glance at the clear sky. Blondie nods his approval.

He was right: a meeting was a first thing that the club did.

Everyone was ushered into a large dining hall where staff from the RACV Noosa Resort welcomed us in and gave us a rundown of where most of things are, like the weekly COVID testing, and where we'll be staying. After that Brett Ratten told the boys about the training schedule, how playing games will work, the COVID rules that must be followed as well as when more meetings will take place. It was a lengthy meeting but as soon as it was done we were free to explore.

Everyone, unless they have families, is gifted a one-bedroom suite to stay in for the next month. I'm given a key for my apartment and directed to the accommodation side of the resort. I'll be staying in the same wing as most of the boys so I'm praying they won't be too loud but what does it matter? I'll be right on their case if they piss me off with their rowdiness.

The apartment block is very modern and homey. It's got that smell of cleanliness too.

I walk through the halls looking for my suite. It takes some time but I locate my room on the third floor. The number 162 is engraved into the wood. I turn the key in the lock and use my foot to open the door.

Immediately I'm greeted with an open room and the sun shining in through the sliding glass doors. There's a decent-sized couch facing a TV. The kitchen is normal sized with a coffee machine, oven, microwave and fridge. I stroll through the apartment into the bedroom which holds a massive king bed. A bed fit for the Queen of the Kings. Perfect.

I throw my carry on bag onto the newly made bed and roll the suitcase into the corner. I take a seat on the side of the bed and just absorb it all.

This is a total U-turn to what I thought 2020 would look like. In my fantasies I believed 2020 would be the year of all years. A year where everything went my way and so many new memories and accomplishments were made. I imagined it would be perfect, or at least as perfect as it could be. But did I imagine to be involved in a worldwide pandemic? No way. No one did. Yet here were are living in it as we speak. What a ride it's been so far and it's only just begun.

At least I've gotten some good out of this year so far. I've become friends with so many new people and I'm living the dream as a photographer. I get to be alongside one of my brothers although I wish it was both. I can't be picky though. I'm so grateful, without a doubt.

My mind wanders to who my hallmates are so I get up and decide to find out myself. I pull the door open and lean against it with arms crossed.

"Who do I have the pleasure of getting to annoy!" I shout into the empty corridor. I wait for a moment.

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