sixty two

356 18 193

The Semi Final awaits us against the Tigers and to be honest I'm dreading it. I don't have a good feeling whatsoever.

The whole bus trip I didn't feel great but refused to show it. I didn't want the boys to know how I was feeling although I guarantee some feel the same.

We're versing the reigning premiers and with Paddy down there's no telling how well we'll go. They'll be hungry and would want to knock us out of premiership contention. I guess we'll just have to go out there and do our best.

When we arrive the boys all prepare for the game as usual. It's best to treat this as a normal game so we don't get in over our heads.

I lean back against the wall inside the club rooms and observe the guys as they do some stretches. I got bored up top so that's why I came down here. I also hate looking at Richmond players.

Bytes walks over and pulls me into a side hug; I love it when he does that.

"You ready?" I ask, peering up at him. He glances down at me with a grin.

"As ready as I'll ever be," he says confidently.

I smirk at him and throw a sudden fist into his gut. He doubles over and groans, not expecting it.

"That's for pouring water all over me," I tell him cockily and he grunts out, holding his abdomen in pain. I then kiss his cheek as a 'good luck' and walk off smugly.

I spot Humpty Dumpty by the food table grabbing a red lolly snake from a bowl. I approach him whilst the smirk from hitting Bytes is still on my face. I got him back and I'm happy about it.

"What are you smirking for?" Humpty Dumpty questions with suspicion as well as caution. He doesn't like this look on my face, it makes him worried.

"Just some payback," I tell him with no context. I casually take the red snake from his still hand and bite into it.

"Hey! That was the last red one!" He cries out. I just stare at him stupidly.

"Well then why were you holding it out in the open for? It's like you were offering to me." I shrug and finish the remainder of the snake. The egg-head just scowls.

I look into the bowl filled with lolly snakes and point to them.

"There's still some left. There's orange and yellow and green."

"I don't like those colours," he grumbles.

I shrug. "More for me then." I take the entire bowl nonchalantly and walk off.

No way was I actually planning to eat all these, instead I went and brought the bowl around to the boys because of the nice person I am.

After the bowl is empty, it's time to get back to work. On the way out though I run into my brother as he heads down the race. I smile at him softly.

"Good luck," I tell Max honestly. He just shakes his head and takes me up in a hug wordlessly. His head rests on top of mine and he releases a sigh. He's trying to ground himself, I can tell.

A few more moments pass we pull apart and head our separate ways.

Before I know it the game has started and pretty much from the get-go the Tigers are dominating. The boys just can't keep up with them and they look exhausted. There's quite a bit of pushing and shoving too.

At one stage the ball rolls over the boundary not far from me. I turn my head just as a player storms forward at Max.

Out of nowhere, Tom Lynch punches my brother in the head forcefully. Max is unaware of him and gets knocked out instantly, collapsing to the turf limply. He doesn't move on the grass.

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