thirty four

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Steeley's POV.

The most pained scream reaches my ears and it pins me to the spot.

I stop dead on the wing and try to find the origin of the cry. My eyes land on Ro and Paddy who scramble up and off someone. My heart drops. Madelyn...

Now knowing who the scream came from, why does it hurt more than it should? Sure, I would be concerned about a mate if they got injured but her scream physically hurt to hear. It made stomach drop. It physically hurts to see her in so much pain as she tries to reassure the two ruckman. I had broken into a run without knowing.

Madelyn's fingers are a thick red. My eyes widen and my pace quickens to get to her, especially when she attempts to stand. Her lower left leg is bruising already and a bump raises the skin which tells me her leg is broken. Just as I get to her she collapses forward with another scream which could match the pain of the previous one. I cringe at how agonising it sounds. I catch her in my arms as a barely detectable whimper escapes her.

"Maddy, sit down."

It just slips out automatically. I've only ever called her Madelyn because everyone calls her Mads and I don't want to call her that too. I know she hates Maddy but it's the only nickname that she isn't called by anyone. Even through the pain I see her look at me weirdly for using the prohibited nickname. I just cautiously lower her down to the grass. She leans back with a scrunched up face.

"Medic! We need a medic!" Gigs joins Madelyn's side. He grasps her clean hand in his own and she squeezes it tightly.

Why do I want to hold her hand now? Despite that it's covered in blood, which I'm incredibly worried about, why do I have the sudden urge to take her hand in my own? Is it because I want to offer her comfort or something else which has evolved deep inside me?

I don't get a chance answer my own question when Winx bursts through the gathering crowd. His eyes become wider.

The oldest twin rushes forward to aid his sister, tearing off his guernsey and placing it at the back of her head tenderly.

"I don't want to see that," she groans and turns her head away from her brother. "It's sweaty too. Gross."

I can't help but smile. Even when she's in obvious pain she still has to make some kind of humorous comment. She notices my smile and the tension in her facial muscles settles a touch.

"It's barely been worn. Now shut up," Winx chastises with worry thick in his voice. She winces as he presses the guernsey to the back of her head.

The medicos come running in with all their medical equipment. They usher the boys away from the scene so Madelyn can get the attention she needs. I stand off to the side yet all I want to do is lend her my support. Her pain stings and I hate being a bystander—I don't like being helpless. I should be by her side giving her comfort and holding her hand whilst whispering that it'll be alright.

Madelyn is given the green whistle and her head is all bandaged up. Her broken leg is also put in a splint just as the ambulance arrives. She pulls herself onto the stretcher, the whistle hanging from her mouth like a lollipop.

This was an accident that no one expected to occur. Ro and Paddy are really guilty for what happened and it's not hard to tell. They never meant to crush the poor girl.

Winx stands beside me in obvious distress. It's hard for him to see his bright sister on a stretcher about to go to hospital. Maybe it gives him a sense of deja vu because of his own injury. Madelyn waves him over.

The connection between them is stronger than strong when Winx kisses the top of her head where it isn't bandaged. She then tells him a few words before pulling him down for a reassuring hug. She doesn't release her hold for a few moments. I smile at the two and then her eyes meet mine.

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