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The past few weeks have blurred together.

Win. Loss. Win. Another win tonight?

The boys are taking on Carlton in Round 5 and are hoping to go 3-2 and not 2-3. They want to stay ahead with wins instead of being overwhelmed by losses and the prospect of needing to catch up. They need a win and desperately so. Outside forces are closing in.

Melbourne is currently trying to contain another outbreak of COVID but it's looking grim — very grim. There's whispers that many AFL teams may be transported interstate so the games can go on. Nothing is confirmed but it's looking very likely with Victoria's worsening situation.

What's best, though, is to focus on the game instead of what might be.

As per usual I claim my spot along the wing. I've already set up my camera and laptop with an hour and a half until the first bounce. There are no crowds once again and the roof is closed on this chilly night. Thank god.

Max has played decent since the season started back up. Jack has been lighting up the field most weeks. We've been tracking well but another win on the board would make us look very healthy on the ladder.

A few Carlton players are on the field but there's no one I recognise until suddenly there is.

I spot Audrey's brother, Jack, coming up from the race bouncing a yellow sherrin. SOS glances around the stadium at the empty seats which is something he would be used to at this point. He runs along boundary which heads in my direction. The Silvagni keeps his eyes down and focuses on the ball. He almost jogs past without noticing me but I make sure he knows of my presence.

"Geez, do you need some of those SOS soap pads to clean your eyes?" I comment loudly to make sure he hears me. He does.

SOS skids to a stop, remembering my voice and looking in my direction. His eyes flash with recognition when he sees me there.

"Madelyn?" He questions and walks towards me.

"The one and only." I smirk. "Fancy seeing you here."

"More like fancy seeing you here. Do you work with St Kilda?" He asks, glancing over my shoulder at my photography setup.

"Certainly do!" I beam. He smiles kindly.

"That's great. It must be a lot of fun working in such a job."

"It is. Stressful at times of play but easy going for the most part. It's very enjoyable," I tell the older Silvagni. "Audrey been okay?"

"Yeah Auds has been alright. She wishes she could see us play in person but unfortunately it doesn't work that way now. She still gets to see us at least which many AFL players don't have that luxury of doing," he informs me flatly. He feels for the players who can't see their families because of this virus.

"I'm glad I get to see my boys. I don't know what I'd do without Max in my corner. It's already hard enough without Ben," I sigh out.

"I could imagine," SOS sympathises, smiling sadly.

"Ah well. I can't change anything about that unfortunately. I'm just glad Auds is okay."

"Speaking of Audrey." SOS turns around and scans the ground as if looking for someone. He locates who he's trying to find. "Crippa, get over here!" He calls out.

In the distance a muscular blond guy whips around at the sound of his name. His build is strong, his hair a golden colour at the top which fades into a tone of brown at the back. The sides are shaved in some kind of weird half mullet thing. He's tall too.

Fortuitous || Jack Steele [1]Where stories live. Discover now